help it will not stop growing.


My lemon amnesia plant will not stop growing it was only meant to grow to 70-80cms and now is 140cm. i am doing 13 hours dark and 11 light but it will not start flowing... what am i doing wrong?

cheers in advance


I started with 12 12 for a week and a bit and not much happened.
i haven't topped it. should i? how exactly do i?
what is bushmaster.

sorry for general stupidness. i have done a fair bit of reading up but there are so many conflicting ideas i am finding it hard to make sence of it all.



Well-Known Member
topping is when you cut the top off. that way it grows 2 top branches

bush master is an additive that keeps them from stretching when you flower

LST low stress training. tie your plant down so it grows out not up