Help!!!Just Transplanted 2 New Clones!!!I think one may be shot.


I just got two clones of some white rhino from a Co-op and they both needed to be saved. One I feel I have under control but am always open to suggestions about and the other one(from what I could tell was being drowned). They are both in clone gels and have been put into my hydro setup( a coconot medium w/ perlite a 600W HPS lamp and good vent and all that other good stuff) but I just dont know what to do.And if there is anything I can do? Any? suggestions would be appreciated here are some pics PLZ HELP. I'll post some pics of my other plants so that you can see that though this is my first grow my other plants seem fine. And I have one that I'm curios about because it came out with three sets of leaves as you can see in the pics. Is this normal too and if not what is up with it? So I JUST NEED ANY ADVICE OR HELP. The far left one is the one I need help with2-2DCB1973-1295916-800.jpg2-17FB0CFE-1317023-800.jpg2-2285F147-1066960-800.jpg2-F6042610-955706-800.jpg


New Member
keep the humidity up sometimes they droop and dry up a little and after a day or so they stand up again get it out of direct light and keep it moist . its a waiting game it may take or may not.