HELP! Leaves curling downwards.


image.jpg what causes this? My plant is roughly 4 weeks into flower and the leaves have started curling down. Does anyone know what causes this? Or how to fix it?

I flushed the soil about a week ago and have stop adding supplements but nothing has changed. Please help!



Well-Known Member
why did you flush? because you barely burnt the tips?:/ you downt it, and the roots are still suficated. Poke holes in the soil to get that soil dry, put a fan on her for a day or 2 to help dry it also.


why did you flush? because you barely burnt the tips?:/ you downt it, and the roots are still suficated. Poke holes in the soil to get that soil dry, put a fan on her for a day or 2 to help dry it also.
After the flush I let the soil fully dry. I dont over water, I have air pots and I don't water until the pots are nearly completely dry. Which is every 2-3 days roughly.


why did you flush? because you barely burnt the tips?:/ you downt it, and the roots are still suficated. Poke holes in the soil to get that soil dry, put a fan on her for a day or 2 to help dry it also.
I guess i should add that I flushed it a week ago because the leaves started to curl down like this roughly a week into flower. This didn't happen after the flush.


Well-Known Member
nothing critical...

you could do nothing and that plant would grow out...

I would feed it if you flushed a week ago or you'll complicate things...
You can't repair damaged leaves...move forward, get back on track...


Well-Known Member
I had the same issue when I was running hydro,, like tangerinegeen555 said nothin critical,, my problem was because of the humidity, but they finished fine.


Okay, sounds like I'll just carry on. I wasn't too worried because because it continued to grow so I figured whatever was causing it wasn't too serious. Thanks for the input everyone!