Help!! Leaves drooping and curling under

It is 9 days old, in FFOF soil and under 3 23 watt cfls. its 85 degrees in grow box. This is only my second time trying to grow. The first time I grew a few and everything turned out fine except for being male. The plants before were twice this size at 9 days. Im watering everyday since the soil is becoming very dry and im pretty sure im not overwatering. what could it be?


Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Yeah I agree, what are you watering it with? Tap water? FFOF soil isn't too hot for seedlings I use it all the time. I use distilled water and ph the water. Are you checking your PH on your water? Don't water the seedling every day, you can cut back on your watering and spray the leaves every day with water and cut back your watering to every 3-4 days. do you have drainage holes on the bottom? GL brotha!
im actually using bottled water because I have well water and im not sure how much chlorine is in it, and no I havent checked the PH. I also have drainage holes in the bottom, water comes out the bottom when I water it. say I start watering if every few days, If the soil is completely dry will it die right away or can can it go a few days without water, just spraying it?

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Oh yeah it will be fine with a couple of days not watering. 85 is a little hot so it will take more water but it shouldn't be every day. And I can't stress it enough to get a PH test kit! I use distilled water and I have to PH up the water every time. Distilled water will drop in PH as it sits on the shelf. If I were you go get a PH tester, distilled water, and and some PH up. All of that should run you about $31.00. The PH test kit you can find for about 9.99 for a little liquid test kit. That would be my best advice bro. And as your plants get older you will be able to gage when they need water. What I use to do is once they had about 4+ nodes and then I don't water them until the leaves start to droop a little. If it takes 4 days I know I need to water them every three days. Once the roots start to fill in the planter the plants will need less water more often. You will get it, let your plants tell you when they need water. Right now they are telling you that they don't need water as much as you are giving them.
so I went out today and tried finding a PH test kit but no one had one so Im gonna have to check a local shop that sells stuff tomorrow but I did buy a thermometer and it has the humidity level on it and the temp is 82 and 30% humidity. the soil is also bone dry to the bottom of the cup but im going to wait til tomorrow to water it. its growing but still looks the same, its on its 4th node but its so small. could this be from the humidity level?
so im pretty sure i figured out what was wrong, i think I may have used the wrong soil, i had two pots with soil in each, one FFOF and the other Miracle grow, i was gonna see which soil did better but im pretty sure the one that survived was in MG, and made her pretty sick, so i threw it away and started another one on saturday, two days ago and she already looks a hundred times better, growing like she should.