Help! Leaves dying ...?

Help me please, this is my first grow and i am having some problems...

She's already in about the 3rd week of flowering, this started to happen just after about a week after flowering, or 2 weeks ago.

It's a very small indoor soil grow with an 150w CFL bulb. The nutrients i use are store bought classic allgrow material with the highest levels of n-p-k levels i could get to match the ones i read about in the newbie forum, and they're not high.

I do not know what the Ph levels are in the soil...

The pics below show more in detail (although being a little out of focus, sorry for that) what my problem is...

Please if there are any suggestions i would appreciate it...


i dont see a whole lot wrong with those man... except the fact your using CFLs and your plants are tiny.... did the leaves shrink or are they just looking different? .... anyways go grab yourself a HPS if possible..itll make a big difference i bet.. and cut up some Bananas and put them in the soil....
You need more light on the sides of the plants..... I also use CFL's Scan threw my pics

That's just one plant that got a little bit burned a while back, the top burnt off, and it split into two stems so you're just seeing the top of the plant there. It's about 44 inches tall (110 cm or so)...

But what i am referring as the problem is that it had a nice bush of leaves a couple of weeks back, and now they all seem to be dying and only the buds and the top leaves seem to be okay...

Mabe this isn't a problem and i am overreacting but better safe then sorry.

As to the "more light on the sides" that is what is was trying to do with the mirror... not the best thing in the world but i don't have a lot of room in there....
the way you make it sound, its just getting rid of its un-needed leaves.... you can pluck a few off even... i still recommend you get some HPS though... itd do nothing but help...
the way you make it sound, its just getting rid of its un-needed leaves.... you can pluck a few off even... i still recommend you get some HPS though... itd do nothing but help...

Okay thanks for that. It was the first thing that i thought was going on... just standard fall behaviour of a plant.

Thank you though, and i will look into those HPS, although where i'm from that isn't all that easy to come by...