Help leaves yellow all around week 4 flowering. Only on one strain the other one seems great


I am using heavy 16, cal-mag, silicia, super thrive.

Have 10 ladies under 1000 watt hps bulb each plant. A mini split ac unit and a portable regulates tempature at 78 degrees constantly. just finished foliar spraying this week. Each plant in 20 gallon buckets feeding 4 gallons each plant every three days or as needed. Really concerned because it isn't yellowing bottom up so I assume it isn't a N deficiency but it is my first grow so I am not quite certain. I'm sure someone can help! Please losing sleep over it .


Well-Known Member
Just a thought but some plants are heavier feeders than others. Or CalMag, or PH.. Hit it with some extra Veg Nutes and some CalMag and see if the yellowing stops. This has worked for me in the past.


Just a thought but some plants are heavier feeders than others. Or CalMag, or PH.. Hit it with some extra Veg Nutes and some CalMag and see if the yellowing stops. This has worked for me in the past.
You think I'm possibly starving them? They are pretty big probably 4-5 sq ft maybe four gallons isn't enough?


Well-Known Member
Also feed veg a and veg b in week four flowering? Sorry I am defiantly a newb LOL so the help is appreciated.
A PPM pen helps a lot. In my experience, before I had a pen, I would freak out because my plants were turning yellow during early flower. Then I got a pen and dialed it in better. They were just hungry.

I also figured out with the pen that my tap water is around 700 PM out of the tap. That is WAYYY high and it was causing problems with my nutes. The water just gets crowded and things don't work correctly. Now I use bottled water mixed with tap to around 200 ppm before nutes.

If adding more Veg doesn't help then check your water source.

Calmag is also a common deficiency. If you are using bottled or RO water then you need to add CalMag.

Also, some plants are just heavy feeders. You won't know until you have grown the same strain a few times exactly how much nutes they require.


Active Member
HPS light makes it hard to tell what color the affected area is on your plant. With the HPS light on, it could be misdiagnosed very easily.