Help! Leaving town! Need advise ASAP


Active Member
I'm leaving town tomorrow afternoon and will be gone 24hrs ish. Normally I leave my set up on when out of town but a heat wave has come thru and I'm battling heat issues. The leaves started showing signs of heat stress today and definitely would get much much worse if I left them unattended for a day.
----Here's the specs:
I just fim'd every bud site only 5 days ago so I don't want to flower yet, but I would like to leave the set up off, in darkness the whole time I'm gone. Would this be okay or would it LIKELY cause hermies. If its a ehh maybe thing I'm gonna leave em in the dark...idk what else I can do really


Active Member
That's what I'm sayin with the 2-3hrs at a time, but the heat builds up so quick. I battle it by turning the light off for 30min ever 2-3 hrs and misting real good and that drops the temps 12 degrees or so... But I won't be here to mist so I'd have to go something like 3 on 3 off or something......
Think that's cool?