HELP! LED is killing my plants!!!


Active Member
I just purchased 300watt LED triband lights that seem to be burning my plants...See pics. I have carefully monitored PH levels in/out. They r in soil. I know these lights are not supposed to burn, they r NOT HOT to the touch, just seem to force plant to use nutes differently.

Anyone with experience with LED's please let me know ~ MizRenee



well to be honest i dont think that is it plants only get burned from regular heat and radiant heat plus the damage would be more severe towards the top and that looks pretty even to me whats the room temp ? co2 or not ect. vent ect.


Active Member
Looks like nutrient deficiency. I can't remember which right now as im at work and don't have my notes, but a certain deficiency causes leaves to become necrotic while the veins stay green. Looks exactly like what you have going on altho I personally havnt seen such a bad case. Good luck and hope it turns around.

When I get home I will repost with which nutrient deficiency it looks like, sorry I can't be more help right now.


Active Member
I hav A/C so the room never gets above 80degrees, no Co2, oscillating & box fans circulate air very well.


Active Member
When i initially started flowering, the plants were perfect, never had a problem with veg. I hav been giving these more nitrogen since i noticed they were turning light green, new growth looks good, middle leaves are most damaged.


also what was the light before the switch was it a hid like a 400-1000 hps once in hydro my 1000 watt hps blew and i had to wait 3 days for my back up so i switched to cfls and left the nutes the same strength and after a day or so it began to show what looked like nute burn
after i placed the new 1000 watt back the problem stopped immediately only two things i could think of caused it simple stress from the light change or that my nutrient strength was fine for 1000 watts but under 150 watts of cfl the plant didnt need that strength causing a nute burn never been sure but its a theory ya know 8)thats looking harsh it doesnt have long like i said though need more info to know for sure whats going on but leds cant burn plants man thats all there is to it


Active Member
i have been spraying with only filtered water & silica shield from MAD farmer, to try & strengthen the leaves.


Active Member
That's exactly what has me worried about a defect with the light itself, they went from Flourescent to the LED's & started to change right away. i had another couple plants damaged, almost dead, then I put outside, just to see if they would live, & they r doing fine.


Well-Known Member
i have been spraying with only filtered water & silica shield from MAD farmer, to try & strengthen the leaves.
I'm wondering if your mixture for the foliar spray is too concentrated. Also, I would hold off on spraying them with anything until you find a fix. You could be doing more damage than good.


Active Member
also what was the light before the switch was it a hid like a 400-1000 hps once in hydro my 1000 watt hps blew and i had to wait 3 days for my back up so i switched to cfls and left the nutes the same strength and after a day or so it began to show what looked like nute burn
after i placed the new 1000 watt back the problem stopped immediately only two things i could think of caused it simple stress from the light change or that my nutrient strength was fine for 1000 watts but under 150 watts of cfl the plant didnt need that strength causing a nute burn never been sure but its a theory ya know 8)thats looking harsh it doesnt have long like i said though need more info to know for sure whats going on but leds cant burn plants man thats all there is to it
This could also be very possible. When growing anything always remember the rule of limiting factors. Water, light, co2, and nutrients are 4 of the main factors. Now let's say with your HID all 4 factors had a fake value of 5. Then you drop light down to 3. The plants can only use "3" in all other factors now. This could easily lead to nutrient burn/lockout/deficiency with the same tried and true methods you were running before. As I said ill post the exact nutrient problem I believe it is when I get home but for now I would suggest flushing your plants like there's no tomorrow (looking like that there may not be :()


its a hard call nitrogen def maybe the stems look really purple some strains do get a bit purple but that is really really purple is that normal for the strain do you know ? also the stems look week i noticed you tied them i dont do that till the buds get to fat for them to hold them up another reason to believe nute def or imbalance hit one with some nutes see what happens also you could have to much of some other nute locking it out sorry hope that helps

Gary Busey

New Member
LEDs are not killing your plants, I can guarantee that.

Looks like a nute deficiency to me. So, YOU are killing your plants.


but i'm still leaning towards the light man if it started right after the change i think that light was not made right or something back off the nutes or change the light back that sucks those arent cheap i use hids i tried leds and what i found is that they are ok for veg but not so great in bloom personal exp. though not a fact but ya trichrome trent said it better than me 8) good luck man


just an observation, bro, raise those led lights to a higher height and lower them down when they get accustom to the lights and the environment, if the leaf growth still burns and crisp like that, than swap it back to the cfl. use pure water for feeding for the next 2 weeks till the normal vigorous grows appears, it appears your issue is with the plant height and the distance from the led that is causing the burn, your in veg still so mistakes could be made. bring on the nutes slow and, if you use the foliar spray apply it with the lights off 2hrs prior to light on and only use it after the plant has adjusted to lights and nutes(3wks from now or more). or just start over again. nice leds btw.


Active Member
Ok sorry it took so long to respond. After looking it up it REALLY looks like magnesium deficiency. "...starts in the lower leaves. Veins remain green while the rest of the leaf turns yellow...The edges of affected leaves feel dry and crispy..." Really sounds like this could be the problem, plus the picture in the book looks very, VERY, similar to your plants currently. Solutions include Mg sulfate and Ca-Mg for fast action; dolomite lime and worm castings for slower absorption. Rosenthal recommends 1 tsp epsom salts per gallon of water for foliar feedings to fix the problem, as well as 1tsp per gallon of nutrient solution. There are other remedies as well but these are the fastest acting, and looking at those plants i would say you need the fastest possible :) Also dont forget to SERIOUSLY flush your plants just to remove any buildup's that could be causing a lockout, otherwise the solution will just worsen the problem :)