HELP! Light switch recomendations.


New Member
gotcha so after i sprout which im thinking is in the morning tomorow. i drop my light to 5" above the sprout and just keep raising it as it grows i take it. heres my deal right now i started two seeds in rockwool two in papertowl and one soil. to my supprise i plant the soil seed a day later and its just this morning showing first signs of popping through :D.


Well-Known Member
nice you should be on your way to a good grow then. Just keep the lights close few inches away, and you should be good.


New Member
i can tell there isnt sprouts.. you cant grow sprouts with them that high.
yea you see the funny thing about that is,,,,, ALAST! I HAVE LIFT OFF, 50/50 SourD X GrapeAPe! And where did this lift off occur? no where near the lights under a sleepingbag in a clome dome. smart ass. maybe if i put the light dirrectly ontop of the clone dome & then underneath the sleeping bag, sound good? ;).... GOOD! I AM VERRRRY EXXXXCITE!


Well-Known Member
yea you see the funny thing about that is,,,,, ALAST! I HAVE LIFT OFF, 50/50 SourD X GrapeAPe! And where did this lift off occur? no where near the lights under a sleepingbag in a clome dome. smart ass. maybe if i put the light dirrectly ontop of the clone dome & then underneath the sleeping bag, sound good? ;).... GOOD! I AM VERRRRY EXXXXCITE!

im not being a smart ass.. im simply saying. ill get off your thread and let other people respond to you. sorry for trying to help a fellow stoner... seeds dont need light to germinate but they need light to grow once out of the soil. what i was saying is, with the lights that high your seeds have no chance at growing. sorry for trying to help once again.


New Member
your info just wasnt pertaining to the issue discussed. although related to the topic, we always get tracked off deeper into the subject. if you wanna read through and talk about whats going on please do man. im not trying to be an asshole eaither but i dont need my timne wasted on useless input.