HELP lighting schedule


Well-Known Member
I forgot to open the light this morning in my dresser, the plants have been under 12/12 for about 3 weeks from seeds, they are just about to show their sex. As soon as they do they will be transfered in the main flower room. 2 questions.

the dresser was on 8am-8 pm. they just had 18 hours of darkness and I opened the light at 2 pm. is this a big deal? also, I have to match this schedule to the main room which is 8pm to 8 am, ... so I am halfway there with this mistake only I cannot have the dresser running at night, is it ok to put them in the main flower room tonight and they will get 18hours of light, 12 off then on the 12/12. or they are all going to hermi? sorry it's not very clear, thanks for your help, +rep to anyone that helps


Well-Known Member
You should be fine, you are very early in flower at 3 weeks. She hasn't built up enough hormones to think about herm'ing just yet. Be at ease and have fun with your babies!

On a side note, most herming comes from light pollution and stress from poor environmental control. Some strains are prone to herm'ing if stressed.


Well-Known Member
depends on how long u opened the light on them,if it wasnt long then u shouldnt need to worry but if it was like a few hours then it may be a shock for them.I would keep them in the drawer until u know the sex,she is a plant of habit and loves routine,any accute adjustments will make her stress.If u truly feel that it is s right choice put her in the flower room and give her the extended light,but i dont suggest it.