Help! lights flashed on/off in light cycle : /


crap, i accidentally stepped on my surger protector and it reset itself. it was instant the lights flickered off for about a second and then back on. I am concerned because am growing female nirvana snow white seeds. Should i be worried about that shocking them into a hermaphrodite? i cut a box and put it over my protector so i cant do that again. But what do you guys think?

Im gonna keep a close eye on them and make sure no male parts show. I could use some helpful/realistic input on this situation.
Thanks for all the help everyone.


Active Member
no worries brah

just a blink wont do nothing.
u have to remember what these plants face in the wild
things like solar eclispses, storms that blacken the sky, nuclear winter, things like that.

they can take a little disruption. also what u did is best of the options, better they flash off during an on period that on during an off period


Hey thanks for the info. After thinking about what u said, I realized that my HPS takes at least 5 seconds to go all the way dim. I think it came on before it was able to completey go to dark. if not it was real close. Im hoping its just like u said, as if a cloud went overhead blocking he sun for a sec. I will make sure to keep a close eye, but everything since (5 hours ago) is fine. I think i see new hairs coming out

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
even if it did go completely dark it'll be just fine. Takes a lot more than a light going out for a few seconds to turn a plant hermie.


Active Member
Yea that would do nothing at all. The only thing you ever need to know is that 12hours or less of light they will flower, it won't turn any plant into a hermie.


Sweet. thanks everyone for the input. will have pics up soon. 3 female snow whites on day 2 of flower. cant wait to watch them flower!