help looking for cool sites for trippy stuff to shoot threw the projector

sven deisel

Well-Known Member
sup hey we having a party tom nite. and was thinking on playing around with the projector.. are there any site that are free and have cool computer generated kaliascopes or anything like that? maybe cool html or something. any ideas. i just got the projector. i have a laptop to hook to it and my phone makes a wifi hot spot. so i should be able to make cool shit anywere


Active Member
Do a search for fractals, you can enter in your own variables and it will mathamatically generate your designs.

But watch out I got hooked there for a whole day once.

sven deisel

Well-Known Member
1 cellphones that makes wifi hot spot $600 1 laptop $900 1 projector $1100. 300in kalidascope the size of a house priceless

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
The problem is not with the stuff you guys wanna download ... the problem lies in YOU lack of abilities in downloading ...
All cool things from YOUTUBE OR VImEO might be downloaded ... for later play.

If you are not using Fireofox should .... once you have it installed ....
To be able to DOWNLOAD any video from YOUTUBE or VImeO .... you need an extension called Greasemonkey
Once you install this plug in will show itself in your browsers right top corner.

if you click on it you can Enable it.

Almost there: Once you have installed Greasemonkey you need to install ................. scripts to give greasemoneky ... ability to do what YOU NEED.
In this case we want to download YOUTUBE Videos ..... so we need a Greesemoneky Script for YOUTUBE
Hit that button to istall the script.

You can download it HERE

For Vimeo there is also a script required ...HERE

Once everything is set up (takes 5 minutes max) You can download all videos from YOUTUBE for later play ... (Look at the picture below and the download icon)


Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Wow look at Karma PuFF them out thin AiR .... Nice !
This is exactly what OP wants !!
Someone REP this dude as I have nothing to give !!


sven deisel

Well-Known Member
there is alot to having a projector. i swear every project i start turns into $1000's . its not just buy a projector and pin up a sheet

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Seven ... with a little bit of prep work .... wicked things might be accomplished !!!
And you already have a bit of the required hardware !!

P.S The music track for the video is terrible ... here is a link to something better !!


Read more ...


sven deisel

Well-Known Member
i like the 1's on that dark page they r full screen. makes me want to try out this 25c nbome to bad i get off work so late