Help lower Temp!!


Well-Known Member
hey bro sorry should have specified lol. take one of the grow area itself not the plants but they look good


Well-Known Member
Just my two cents.

Since you can't drill any holes.

Drill a hole anyway

Save the wood

Hook up an exhaust fan

If you have to move glue the wood back in place then paint

Just a suggestion. You have to vent that hot air out of there, and remember plants need fresh air

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
Just my two cents.

Since you can't drill any holes.

Drill a hole anyway

Save the wood

Hook up an exhaust fan

If you have to move glue the wood back in place then paint

Just a suggestion. You have to vent that hot air out of there, and remember plants need fresh air
I agree all the way!


Active Member
here is a suggestion, separate about 4 feet above the floor with a peice of wood drill a hole in it place a fan in it and let the hot ari stay separate from the grow section.....its what I did and it helped oh and I shaved the top of the door a bit to allow the hot air to one even noticed


Well-Known Member
Clean setup.
you should devise a way to exchange the air in your box with the fresh air from either your room or outside. just cut a hole somewhere unnoticeable and attach a carbon scrubber.
no smell, and and fresh air for buds.


Well-Known Member
WOW...overcomplicating this...drill a hole.

I live in an apartment, I have lived in many apartments over the years and I've always grown in them.

Drill the wall, it's easy to fix later with a quick trip to the hardware store.

I just drilled my closet door this time because I didn't feel I wanted to deal with spackle later, I'll just replace the $65 door when the time comes.


Active Member
Look up cool mist humidifiers I heard they can lower temp as well as bring the humidity up. Someone on here mentioned these in another post a while back.


Well-Known Member
those thing r outrageously expnsive and wouldnt be able to fit in that closet anyways. thats not bad idea bout the holes in the door. but you still need to exhaust the room.