HELP! LST'D Northern Lights Leaves Turning Yellow! *PICS*


Need some help guys! I've looked through here at other people's problems, but I can't understand what this could be. I have a northern lights auto that I have Low stress trained (first time i have lst'd this strain). The plant has grown great up until a few weeks ago when random leaves start turning yellow. Alot of them started at the bottom, but now it's just in random spots. The leaves aren't drying out, all of the yellow leaves are still moist/soft. The plant is in about the 3rd week of flowering and I'm afraid it will not make it another 5 as the leaves are yellowing everyday. I am using Fox FarmsOF soil, I have it under 6 cfl 23w 2700k bulbs. I have some tips turning brown as well so I thought maybe it was nute burn, even though I haven't been feeding any extra nutes than what is in the soil. I tried flushing it with just water and molassess for 3 straight feedings and the problem seems to persist. I have a cheap ph meter that i checked the soil with and the ph is reading right below 7. And the FFOF soil is "supposed" to keep a good ph. I generally only water it with spring water. As the plant grew, the leaves were a very dark green, darker than most other plants I've grown/seen. So I thought maybe it was too much nitrogen, so I backed off using any nutes until I saw different. With all the growth it has going on, I would have thought by now that it would need additional nutrients, or at least it shouldn't be that easy to burn a plant with so much growth. I would greatly appreciate any help I can get!!!! Let me know if any other info is needed. Thanks!

P.S. This is my fourth plant to grow and I have never had ANY problems using the same methods that I used on this one.


Yeh never really thought about that, but when I feed them nutes, it gets worse. Of course I do give them some nutes by way of some kelp ferts i have and fox farms big bloom, which has a small amount of organic nutes. I've pulled probably 30+ leaves off it so far, from yellowing, some of which just fall off. The main reason I'm kinda worried about it, is because it seems like the bud growth is slowed, compared to my past experience, but i do have alot more budsites this time thanks to LST. Also looking at alot of the top leaves, it looks like alot of them are starting to fade, so I'm not sure if it's going to get worse and worse. I've just never had ANY problems the last 3 plants I had so I don't get it. I'll just keep an eye out and see what happens. Thanks for the input.


Active Member
your plant is feeding on the nitrogen stored in the leaves causing them to turn yellow as nitrogen is depleted. give it sugar just makes it worse as does feeding it anything without nitrogen. personally i think a big of nutrient burn on fan leaves is WAY better tHan dying yellow leave falling daily. signs of over nutrient show quick and can be easily flushed however the onset of starvatin is slow and much more difficult to recover from. the more you continue to add bloom additives the worse it will get. the plant things its life is ending soon based on its diet and doing what plants do in the fall months.


Hey everyone just posting an update....I guess it was just using the nitrogen. I think it was a sign of it finishing up. I have just never had a plant finish so fast, and I have never had a plant start yellowing so early. I ended up with 24 grams after it dried so i am very pleased with that with just my cfl's. I'm trying to get to 1 oz per so I'm on my way! Thanks again!


Oh and by the way i smoked some right after drying and it got me blasted!!! Quality IS NOT sacrificed with cfl's. (In case anyone doesn't already know or was wondering).


Yep, I've got either a dinafem diesel or sleestack skunk that just started flowering a couple weeks ago. And a thc bomb vegging at the moment as well. And a hps/mh coming tomorrow! So wish me luck!


And in case anyone cares, my thc bomb seems to be good for LST. It has about 10 developing tops already, just 3 weeks in. For me that's good, as I usually get a lot more tops developing after flowering starts.