Help!!! Major crisis!!

I go in to check on my plant which is only 2 weeks in veg so relatively young and the cup I was growing in was knocked over roots showing and a root broke off so I put it in a bigger pot. Will she survive?! And I since I put her in a bigger pot should I water even if I watered 2 days ago?


Well-Known Member
It SHOULD be OK, you should expect to notice a slowing of growth for two reasons, the shock of losing some roots, and also the larger home.
If soil is damp, leave it until it's ready.


Well-Known Member
I hate it when they get knocked over when no one is around.

I swear, if I was a ghost, I'd find better things to do.
Thanks guys she's only got 2 of her jagged leaves. Also has a purple stem but super healthy dark green leaves. Genetics?


Active Member
Yeah, I'd keep that cat outta there, or ya'll have a lot more to worry bout than purple stems! But seriously, I've seen a lot of purple stems and the plants always seemed to survive. So doooooooooonnnnnnnt woooooorrrrrry, bro -----------------------Nug


Active Member
Right on thanks guys! She's the girl I plan on cloning from once she's in the flowering stage
Well, 1st, ya gotta be sure its a she, right? but ya mite wanna clone her when she's bout 2 wks into veg so ya'll have more branches in case your clone fails to strike, but cloning in flower can be done, but takes longer to root, has to revert back to veg stage, I'd say 3-4 wks, but when she does, ya better get some more room, cuz they turn into MONSTERS! new branches grow outta the remaining buds and before ya know it, you're looking @ bout 20 tops!!!!!! So good luck w/that fat lady!!!----------Nug


Well-Known Member
Cats are bad near grows... I've got 12 cats loland trust me picking cat hair out of my beautiful 3 1/2 oz critical jack was a disaster... after that there was a ban on cats near room and intakes and also lining passive intakes with mesh .. so imo keep your cats far away and yes for some reason they desire to crew on leaves .... if I leave trimmings around they steal them
Good news! Woke up and she's still healthy she even grew a second set of jagged leaves on the top. Doesn't look like stunted growth at all really. If I could figure out how to freaking post pics from a phone on here is show you


Well-Known Member
Looks like your plant will make it no problem. Yes cats will sometimes want to chew on leaves etc. mine does not do that... The biggest risk of having a cat anywhere near your grow room though is pests and bugs. They will bring in mites and other hard to deal with critters. Trust me you do not want to deal with mites AKA "the borg", keep your cat away from your grow! Good Luck