Help make my marijuana BIG


This is my 1st grow and i have read
almost everything there is to read about
plants and i still not sure whats causeing it.

The two in the pot are about a month
old and they are still very small im going
to transplant them this weekend into
seperate containers, but for a month old
i dont know why there still so little can anyone help me out here?

ones in the pot

and the ones in the field are about
3 weeks. does anyone know whats
stunting their growth or have any
information to share. will appreciate
everything thankyou



Well-Known Member
is the soil in the field just dirt or did you put down some soil, if it's just dirt, the roots are probably struggling to get through it, thus wasting energy trying to get through it, instead of using it to grow...


there from 420mag because i have an acc. on there and i uploaded them there and instead of uploading them again i jus copyed them from the acc. i have on 420mag


Well-Known Member
first of all, there planted way too close to each other.
see how the leaves are just inches apart?
what are you going to do when they actual hit a decent growth spurt and start choking each other out?
the roots are already competing, i promise you that!

what type of soil did you put down?

because it looks like to me your problem is more than likely nute burn... from overwatering time released soil.


yea i planned on transplanting them this weekend
and there in mircale grow and yes i will say i was overwatering
at the beganing now jus recently i got the
watering under control


Well-Known Member
wow, thats way too many plants for that little patch of dirt. lol, thats probally got alot to do with it, marijuana shouldnt have to fight over nutrients/water/space for the roots.


lol yea i know i should of planted them further apart but when i was making it
i really didnt think that many would grow because all of the seeds were bagseeds
thats iv kept around for a while. and i planted them and surprise got me lol
way more then i thought popped up