Help making a stealth grow box


Active Member
okay guys need some help here

want to make a stealth grow box and im limited on space

i see a few pc grow boxes but they seem small , and i cant find a tower thats big enough, want 2 or 3 plants even if there small, a little project

any one know where i can get a computer tower thats tall enough for a good price, or something else that will work for a grow box

dont wanna spend too much n live far away from town so im limited it resources, im probably looking to just order everything offline

any suggestions would help, its gunna go in my bedroom and and its fairly small, but really hard to pick up aorund here so wanna grow a few small ones for fun :)



Active Member
i could make a cabniet or a little dresser , my roooms pretty small, too bad i could find a really tall computer case, but anything that fits 2 or 3 plants wouldn be fine , dont think that would be too big ,


Well-Known Member
Just make an NGB style box. You could use CFLs, small HIDs or LEDs. I built a small one out of a 4x8 sheet of 1/2' plywood.


I could make a cabniet or a little drawer , my roooms fairly little, too bad i might discover a really high pc situation, but anything that suits 2 or 3 vegetation wouldn be excellent , don't think that would be too big ,


Craigslist. You can find all sorts of old giant ass computers on there, as well as cheap furniture for tearing up. If you have a closet, I suggest just making one that'll fit in the back of it with plywood.

Plywood, screws, hinges and a saw. Along with tools and time is all you really need to build the box.

You're gonna want to mylar that thing though.


Well-Known Member
Hey, why dont you make a 2chamber grow box, one for veg and one for flower. You could use a cabinet, youd be surprised how cheap you can get them at garage sales. Or better yet build your own, cheap and fully customisable...


Active Member
in my grow im using a tall boy cabinet thats about 100x100x50 (39"x39"19")

i picked it up for $20 off eBay and picked it up that day and it looks completely suited to being in a normal bedroom. doesnt stick out at all :)



New Member
Hey, why don't you create a 2chamber develop box, one for veg and one for plant. You could use a cupboard, you would be amazed how inexpensive you can get them at currently have. Or better yet develop your own, inexpensive and completely customizable...


New Member
Hmm right one for veg and one for position. You could use a cupboard, you would be amazed how cost-effective you can get them at currently have. Or better yet create your own, cost-effective and definitely customized...


New Member
i could make a cabniet or a little cabinet , my roooms fairly little, too bad i might discover a really high pc situation, but anything that suits 2 or 3 vegetation wouldn be excellent , don't think that would be too big ,