HELP: Marijuana and Medical Doctors in non-medical states


Well-Known Member
This isn't really grow related, although I did recently begin my second grow (3 PPP & 2 Snow White, all fem). In the past 3 years I've had the joy of having 3 catastrophic knee surgeries, 2 bulging lumbar disc, and an undiagnosed neck problem causing radiculopathy and numbness / clumsiness in my hands. During the majority of this time I've been fortunate enough to not get addicted to pain meds. Until recently, I never took them except in post-surgical periods.

I was recently referred to a pain management doc that administers injections in my back and precribes narcotics for daily management. I have seen countless people in my own clinical experience become addicted to these medications with terrible side effects and life consequences. I'm on leave of absence from medical school, and graduate from chiropractic college in March '09. I'm prescribed 90 10mg Lortabs per month, along with lidoderm patches, and muscle relaxers. I never use my allotment of these medicines.

When I am out of cannabis, I take 2 - 4 lortabs a day. When I have cannabis on hand, my narcotic consumption drops to between 0 and 1 lortab a day. Standard protocol when begining with a pain management specialist is a urinalysis drug screen. After 1 month of care (took UA 1 month ago); before my injections today, the doc inquired briefly about my "pot" use. He informed me that he does not want to prescribe narcotics to patients that use "pot". There was not enough time available (treatment only today), to discuss this. I told him I would be happy to speak with him regarding this matter during our next consultation in two weeks. He did write my narcotic prescription.

This doc and I have a great relationship, and he respects my opinions and knowledge. I would like to come armed with as much GOOD research at the time of my next consultation (2 weeks). I'm currently preparing for boards, and don't have as much time as I would like to gather the research I need to speak intelligently with an anesthesiologist.

My call to action is this: If any of you know of any good studies, research articles, medical opinions from respected docs in their field, PLEASE post any websites, research articles, pubmed info, email addresses of experts; anything that will assist me in my quest to change one mind. Of course I'll be poking around in my spare time, but I could use all the help I can get. Everyone in this forum has been extremely helpful to me in the past. Thank you all in advance.:peace:


Active Member
oh another thing, please tell me how this goes. I am hoping to start my medical training next year and i wish to see how doctors tackle talking about pot when it clearly helps you.


Well-Known Member
Oh, I will definitely let you guys know how this goes. My main argument is this: Hydrocodone is addictive, hell on your liver, stomach, and often mood. The withdrawal is terrible. Cannabis is non-habit forming, a mild lung irritant, puts me in a good pain-free mood (probably due to psychoactivity), and has no withdrawals other that the return of the pain. At least it's not the phantom pain you get coming off hydrocodone, oxycodone, etc.

If I cease narcotics cold turkey, I get pain in places that never hurt before when those opiate receptors are no longer blanketed in narcotics. It makes me angry more than anything that the industry can't profit from, they dismiss. Guess Merck doesn't give out cruises for cannabis clubs that sell marijuana.

I should also let it be known, that I'm not a medical only proponent. I think anyone of legal age and a resonable amount of responsibility should be able to smoke themselves silly if they so chose. I'm pretty sure I could be home in less than 20 minutes with enough alcohol to easily kill me. This shit pisses me off. I smoke weed, so I could get different care than someone who may go to the same doc I go to, but choses to drink a 1/5 of bourbon a day.

Thanks so much for the link. I'm going to try and compile some info (if I don't find it already put together from another resource), and post it when I get the time. I'm big into good research anyway, and I need the ammo for this discussion. I don't usually try and convince strangers regarding this matter, b/c I don't usually have to divulge the details of my life to people that aren't in my FAV5. Thanks again!


Active Member
maybe he doesnt have any issues with usin pot maybe he jus doesnt want to prescribe strong narcotics for something that can be controlled with something as simple as marijuana if that is the case tell who your dr is i wanna go to him:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Interesting. From that link:
Although marijuana smoke delivers THC and other cannabinoids to the body, it also delivers harmful substances, including most of those found in tobacco smoke.
They cite all their information, yet they provide false information. The breakdown of marijuana smoke is burnt thc, one or two plant materials(which by the way can be gotten rid of, using water curing), and tar. I guess that's comparable to the what like 46 chemicals in cigarettes? The only scientifically proven damage, is lung damage, and yeah, sometimes when (usually younger ages) people get stoned constantly for a week, they might have some trouble giving you details about the past days.


Well-Known Member
poppinsmokey I hear ya. I am currently going through the same deal. I go to pain management for 2 ruptured discs(L4 and L5). Now my discs are diterating all up my back now. I take a hand full of pills every morning and take several all through the day. I am so sick of taking pills. Been doing this for 5 years and will be doing it for the rest of my life. I have bad pain down my legs and in my lower back. I refuse to have any more sugeries sence they seem to have done more harm then good to me(just my expirence, might help some but not me). I get drug tested every couple of months by the pain managment place. They are highly against anyone using pot as any kind of treatment. I am in a state that also does not have medical MJ. I feel so much better smoking pot then I do by taking the pills. Thats actually why I found this site. It was a family member who suggested to give pot a try and I did. I couldn't beleive how much better I felt after smoking it. I haven't smoked sence high school, but plan on doing so for as long as I feel better by doing so. The only down fall is I worry because I have a family and don't want to loose everything because of a plant I am growing to make my life better then what it has been.


Well-Known Member
M41A, the information I have found thus far indicates that cannabinoids work in the brain and CNS to reduce perception of pain; thus reducing the amount of opiates neccessary for relief. I know this is the case for my pain, nausea, and sweats that accompany my pain. Some studies suggest to much cannabis cause an increase in pain. I have only found this to be the case w/ pain such as mild burns and scrapes. I'm sure we have all experienced the increase in pain after smoking a bowl following a mild abrasion. However, for bone pain, arthritis, nausea, neurogenic pain, nothing works better for me than a mild to moderate dose of good MJ.

As I said, between seeing patients, studying for boards, doing stupid projects, growing I don't have the time I would like to research this thoroughly. I don't take other drugs, and really try to limit my intake of narcotics. I don't want to wake up one day and find myself needing 6 - 8 lortabs, or God forbid oxycontin to function.

I also feel you on the family. We don't have children, but an arrest for possession / cultivation would probably prevent me from getting a license to practice. It's a damn shame! 75% of america supports medicinal marijuana use. When is mainstream medicine going to wake up? Fuck, I support MJ use for recreational use only. If my doc refuses to treat me if I don't quit, I'll probably just take neccessary precautions for passing the UA.

Other info I've found, is that if you have nerve damage resulting from your injuries the number opiate receptors is reduced. The cannabinoid receptors remain intact, which could explain why cannabis works so well neurogenic pain. Regardless, this doc has so many folks coming in for no other reason than to get pills every month. They are opiate addicts, and will likely be for life. This is not my desire for my future, nor anyone elses for that matter. That being said, I see myself in a rocking chair smoking a J in my retirement years. I do not see myself waking up to 20 mg of hydrocodone and a cup of coffee. Shit has got to change!

My goal is to have an intelligent conversation w/ the doc about my experience. I wonder if someone test positive for alcohol, if the doc would continue to care for them? Alcohol + hydrocodone can kill. I haven't found any cases of hydrocodone + weed = death.


Active Member
I think it depends on the persons mind,regarding. '''''''''''it has a huge effects on kids in every aspect''''''''.

ive known people who sit in there house and smoke abit now and them who are doing nothing with there lives....
but also i grew up with somebody who smoke it ALOT lol, from a young age aswell (15). and now he is a respectable lawyer. (and still lives of the stuff haha)

And its ok mate,just make sure you keep coming with the updates.

ricky ronatello

Well-Known Member
do they prescribe med marijuana for anxiety or add in most states that have medicinal marijuana? or is it only for aids/cancer/glaucoma/bipolar/or other??? or stress?? do they simply want a reason or do they want alot of regulation