Help me! 1 of 2 my girls is sick !


Well-Known Member
Paging doctor Greenthumb ... Paging doctor greenthumb!!!

Feeding tap water
Nutes : Plagron terra grow / terra bloom (ratio 3-1-3 , 1-3-3)
Soil : Seedling soil, very low nutes. very light for good drainage. (can't get any decent soil around where i live, almost all of them are prefert / slow release)
Lights : 250w hps in air cooled hood (changing that to open wing reflector)
Strain : Fem. auto AK47 (showing problems) and Fem. auto amnesia Gold (not showing problems)
Ph : 6.2-6.4
Problems : Brown spots around the center of the leaves, also, what i've notice is that this appears in almost exclusively the older fan leaves and almost always in the middle leaf.

Recently i have added a little bit of Calcium + magnesium fertilizer from an organic source.
It's the only thing i could get my hands on here... it's advertised as a lawn nutrient to boost greenness, toughness and all around vigour to your lawn...... it says you should use 100grams / m², i used 5gr and solved it in 6liters of water wich i gave to my 2 girls.
Hopefully this is not a bad thing! please help me :)
A big thanks in advance for anyone reading this! :)



Well-Known Member
When I Doubt Flush it out, and start with half your normal feeding Schedule see if that helps,
Your ladies don't look to bad at all, A little bit of magnesium sulfate in a spay bottle give the bottom leaves some and see if they start to come back, it should help. and you should see the reaction in a few days. Good Luck Like I said all in all they look nice. Happy Grow,


Well-Known Member
thanks very much for the input! i've given cal + mag 2 days ago and for now it seems be staying the way it was. no new brown spots so far. Fingers crossed !


Well-Known Member
Can you get a whole plant pic? Its hard to tell anything from a leaf.

For instance someone posted leaf pics that had weird yellowing in the veins on the leaf. Another member and I noticed it. I got hung up on it.

Then I looked at a whole ant pic. Simple under feeding.

Post a whole plant pic.


Well-Known Member
I'm leaning to over watering. I hate deed starter. Most brands are peat based. The problem with it is, it holds water. When it does dry it gets hydrophobic and won't take water.


Well-Known Member
It's a slightly older post but I asked him that question due to same but worse problem.

The few negative posts had one suggest the neut line lacks in cal/mag and enzym? (not sure of the effect on that one). I half drew the conclusion that the neut line used with light mix or similar soil that is not plagron could be the problem. Adding cal/mag does not stop it though.

A grower in plagrons batmix had the leaves show the same rusting. It's got to be something in the way the neuts dissolve or perhaps the bloom neiut quickly create toxic lock outs.. who knows. Seems to many of the same problem.

Interestingly at the time it starts, is around the time when you are suppose to stop and start their ''advised additives''. Sounds more like they drained off and re bottled a few ''mandatory'' additives in a combination that allows little alternative.
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Well-Known Member
I should get some new pics of the girls now!
The problem was underfeeding them!
in my first grow i've burned them up , and out of fear i was giving them very little nutes.
But in my case here, they were stretching, and they needed food! so i added some Calcium + 1/2 dose veg nutes + 1/2 bloom nutes.
after a week they were budding just fine, the problems halted.
Sadly the damage had already been done and i will lose some yield, but anyway. for my 2nd grow this has been amazing for me! i learned so much in 2 grows so far, all thanks to RiU!
i should harvest around 3oz dry weight from them :)