Help me brainstorm a short story


Active Member
I have to write a short story for class and I've really fucked myself on this one - its due tomorrow. I've just been really backed up with work and to be honest I've been avoiding it because I know its my weak point.

I have nothing.

I would like to find a good short story idea that my instructor will appreciate and hold her interest. She is also a short story writer for fun and has some stuff published, so I have to do something impressive.

Ideas .Characters, setting, theme etc...

Thanks and I know you're all high some I figured this could be fun, keep in mind I have to keep it reasonably G-PG-13 but not XXX or anything involving growing marijuana as that's not attention I need.:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member
Write a short story about a man who has a debilitating fear of writing short stories. :-P

"And the sound of the graphite crumbling against the paper sent shockwaves through the man as if the mortars of Gia Dinh were raining down upon him". :eyesmoke:

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
The man has no hands and must type his stories using a pencil between his teeth. His wife left him for a really ugly, but rich, lesbian named Sue. She took his dog and now he has 300# of high quality dog food that he can't use. His pet turtle is pregnant and he doesn't know it yet. He will be getting a long waited for promotion at work that will lead him to meeting a beautiful, but dumb, woman that he will eventually marry and live happily ever after. Tata.


Well-Known Member
Ok I got a list for you.

- How Archie comics always promote three-somes.
- People in the future will laugh at us because we thought SIRI was impressive.
- If a nuke hit a power plant, would it create 2 mushrooms or 1 giant one?
- How people walk by houses to point out stuff.
- What is the point of shredding papers if they can be put back together?
- Bug eye glasses? Hot or not?
- Why does Adam Sadlers face still look so young?
- A day in which we have no visual effects used for tv.
- Someone needs to make everything from back to the future 2 before 2015
- If we are constantly being repair by our cells, are we still the same person 10 years ago?
- Why do the Irish get away with being stupid?(No hate)
- Why money ruins everything? Like making more than 1 season of Prison Break.
- A hat with big ears to listen to tv better with.
- Brita filtering lake water, then people drinking it and getting sick
- People that enjoying drinking breast milk.
- How "eat your import" doesnt make sense, since most north american cars are made with foreign parts.
- How a group of people will always need a weird person. If the weird person leaves, the next weird person takes over.
- A guy that pulls this chest hair out and throws it at people.
- A tea shop called "teabaggers"
- Painters that make paintings only using their nipples.
- If "green cleaners" are safe for the environment, how come they are still so dangerous to consume?
- Why are gay men always funny?
- A man that lives in a high humidity room, then over time is able to breathe underwater.
- How splash pages are useless...if I wanted a link to your facebook page I would have went there and not typed in your actual web address.
- A freezing cold water machine in mens rooms so that they can dip there hands in it, then go a touch women on the neck.

Let me know if you need more.


Well-Known Member
Lol. I'm doing a creative writing degree.

Have you heard of something called automatic writing? Now is a good time to try it. Blank page... GO!


Well-Known Member
Write a story about hearing your own Brain Cells Dying............"AAAhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh then silence"
End of story.


Well-Known Member
Write a story about how you shouldn't leave it until a day before your deadline.

Have you got any kind of plan? You could even start with subheading for the beginning mide and end and scribble down elements you want to remember to include before you start fiddling with sentence structure. As for characters etc that needs to come from you, and if you have no imagination, don't take a writing course lol


Ursus marijanus
Lol. I'm doing a creative writing degree.

Have you heard of something called automatic writing? Now is a good time to try it. Blank page... GO!
I looked it up. I thought it was perhaps the literary equivalent of Lomography ... but it's actually worse. It has a spiritist/mesmerist component. cn


Active Member
Alright ive written 80% of it, i just need to figure out how the mad scientist is going to successfully kill of his wife and kid who never support his work.

On top of that the pregnant turtle is about to reveal itself (not rlly)

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
The man has no hands and must type his stories using a pencil between his teeth. His wife left him for a really ugly, but rich, lesbian named Sue. She took his dog and now he has 300# of high quality dog food that he can't use. His pet turtle is pregnant and he doesn't know it yet. He will be getting a long waited for promotion at work that will lead him to meeting a beautiful, but dumb, woman that he will eventually marry and live happily ever after. Tata.
This is fucking hilarious hahaha

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
Alright ive written 80% of it, i just need to figure out how the mad scientist is going to successfully kill of his wife and kid who never support his work.

On top of that the pregnant turtle is about to reveal itself (not rlly)
The mad scientist turns out to be impotent and could not have fathered the child. He reveals this to the child who in a rage confronts his mother as she is driving him to oboe lessons. She becomes distraught and loses control of the car on a sharp corner plunging them both over the precipice and onto the rocks below. Dead.

It turns out that the turtle was not pregnant after all. She was just a little gassy.


Active Member
If u want to make a story of an exsiting story the parts are... an old car going to see anyone, xmas time cold, late afternoon, broken fanbelt, closeest town 2mi, truck/sleigh stops behind, has a handfull of belts, has a perfect one, puts it on, says merry xmas, pulling away u look out rearview and he disappeared as fast as he came, had a weeks grey. thinking a miracle, from total desperation to on his way in minutes. was it Santa?

If used post/email story.


Active Member
awesome ideas. im short on time but granted extra time due to suspended licenses... (a parking ticket i didnt know of)

heres where i am, the kids leaving him was weak and relative to every being on earth. so far...

It’s a rainy day in Brooklyn, New York. The lightning is striking the ground nearby over and over, stray dogs are cowering under innings and every open car window is gathering a surprise for its owners in the aftermath. It’s one of those days where one really comes to understand why their Grandfather would always repeat the famous phrase: ‘save your money for a rainy day’.
On the third floor of Edison’s apartment, room 1618, Franz Rechielt was glaring out the window. Franz Rechielt being of Serbian descent was a tall middle-aged man with jet black hair, deep set sockets and eyes so dark and hard one could almost lose their insanity upon eye contact. He is a man of few words, great intelligence and his presence seemed to make the room darker and pull all the energy from his innocent bystanders. With his wife moving on with his son – this apartment, this view, this cheap whiskey in his hand was all he had left. It was about the money, it always had been about the money and Franz knew and accepted it.
In the past, Franz would come home late to this same apartment following his dream or as some might say ‘obsession’ with electricity. Day and night he went to the laboratory, sometimes not sleeping for two or three days with a diet consisting of black Columbian coffee and Non-menthol cigarettes. When he did sleep, it was for long hours sometimes skipping whole days but he would press on, always thinking numbers and theories, never focused on the present often walking into school children and missing street curbs. His wife at the time, Belle Rechielt, was a cold woman with pale skin, ugly straw colored hair, and skinny, weak but vindictive with a voice that made one’s neck hair stand straight at attention. Franz’s union with Belle was viewed as a necessity by his family after hearing of his accidental conception with Belle. This resulted in a bitter relationship, were Franz was always away on work – his only scapegoat from his home life. Belle would often tell little Josef stories of his father, depicting him as untrustworthy, selfish, and hateful. However when Franz would come home a few times a month, he would not take much notice, all he could think were numbers and patterns but he could feel the tension, the uneasiness, and he could not endure the weight of the air and the stench of treason. Finding no need for money, Franz sent all his money to his family no matter how ungrateful they were, for it was never the amount of money that Belle wanted – a big house, fancy clothes and nice cars. The laboratory was the only light in his life and he clung to it.
But now they are going another direction, and it is just himself, his apartment, this view and his whiskey. The air was heavy from the rain but the stench was of whiskey off his breath. This is the longest period of time he has stayed in the apartment that he could remember and with the weather the way it was, it was unfit to work in the laboratory where storms can interfere with ongoing experiments.
Turning from the window, located on the opposite wall of the door and looking into the dark living room, Franz begins to walk along the left wall, running his left hand flat against the drywall until he approaches the book shelf. The shelf was full of his favorite authors amongst them where George Carlin, Mark Twain and Ayne Rand. He begins to dust the third shelf with his bare palm, preceded by large breaths and coughing. Reaching into the deep shelf he pulls out My Inventions: The Autobiography of Nikola Tesla, he opens the book while strutting off farther along the left wall. When he reaches the dirty mirror located next to the door, he begins reading out loud: “Invention is the most important product of man's creative brain,” pausing to look down at his rubber work boots, wet from spilled liquor. Suddenly he hears a beating coming from behind him ‘Boom…Boom…Boom’, stopping for only a second longer, he shrugs it off and continues, “the ultimate purpose is the complete mastery of mind over the material world, the harnessing of human nature to human needs.” Closing the book and replacing it onto the shelf, Franz begins walking to the kitchen located on the middle of the opposite wall.
Upon entering the kitchen threshold, he turns right running his hand along the counter. The kitchen is even darker than the living room, broken dishes, light bulbs and glass on the floor. The only light being displayed is from the lightning through the kitchen window every five seconds and a flickering light bulb to the left of the kitchen entry. ‘Boom…Boom…Boom’, this time louder and much more definite, again Franz pays no mind. He then reaches into his pocket and pulls out a cigarette pack, removes the cigarette and lights it. Looking at the wreck Franz mutters to himself, “If I were a cop, I would think someone was killed here.”
Reaching to the top shelf for his whiskey, struggling for balance, he falls onto broken glass cutting his wrist, dropping all his whiskey and his cigarette. His boots are immediately engulfed in flames forcing Franz to rip off his boots and throw them across the kitchen. The adrenaline coursed through his veins causing him to sling blood athwart the kitchen floor. Bleeding profusely, he manages to extinguish the fire then proceeds to cup his wrist but takes no effective first aid applications, too drunk and alone to care. After assessing the situation, Franz begins laughing hysterically, a long, deep and seemingly endless laugh – the kind of laugh that when one hears it, they immediately run the other way.
With the whiskey gone and a sobering incident passed, Franz decides to press onto more important matters. Celebrating and daydreaming, he had forgotten that he hadn’t yet finished his plan. Franz then proceeds stumbling through the kitchen and into the bathroom where he slides his hand up and down looking for the light switch. When he finally finds it, the room ignites with light, every inch of the bathroom covered with fluorescent light but no window. There is a similar stench of treason and at that Franz closes his eyes and scrunches up his nose in disgust. The sink is a pearl white, against sky blue wall paper with images of little planes. The wall paper was so colorful and bright that it was the highlighting feature of the whole room. Franz loved this wall paper; there were Douglas C-47, Tupolev Tu-144, and even Le Bris’ first glider: Albatros II. He knew all the airplanes and the airplanes made him smile. Franz then looked down to the tile floor, slowly looking across it toward the tub. On the edge of the tub is a battery Franz had been using as his own personal side project. In the past Franz had never been able to finish this battery due to working on larger projects to support his family and the lack of support he had received from them. Now he had time, now he could be great. Connected to the battery was a copper conductor sitting just above the side of the tub. The conductor was rigged in such a way that upon remote control instruction, the conductor would be released into the water sending twenty thousand volts of electricity through the water.

****is not grammatically correct and its a rough draft... i was granted more time due to suspended licenses on some bullshit parking ticket that 'never existed' in my book.****


Active Member
heres the rest... I think...??? i dont even know if the first part is par....

“This is it,” he thought then he reached across the tub of water, pouring blood all the way, to Belle who was crying with half her body submerged in water. She had been handcuffed to the facet and to the towel rack. Too weak to remove her restraints, she had already given up, not only on herself but on her son who was handcuffed in the same fashion and sat on her lap. Duct tape drowns out their whimpers, and before removing Belle’s, he politely requested that she keep her voice down or he would kill her.
“Any last words?” he said softly as if he were talking to a prisoner of war who had been condemned to death.
Belle began crying again and after a few minutes was able to form words.
“PLEASE DON’T DO THIS!” she screamed causing him to jump into the air, hitting his head on the top of the sink but catching himself on the other side of the tub wall. The blood from his wrist had drenched his hand and was now running down the sides of the bathroom wall as he leaned over the tub and caught his breath.
Belle had begun screaming at the tops of her lungs for anyone or anything to respond. In an instant, Franz’s hand slipped down the wall, hit the conductor causing the lives of Belle, Josef and his own to end faster than the speed of light.


Active Member
mispelling on the name

however i like the mistake.

trinity in the first room, the window to the mirror to the kitchen.

his physical description matches that of nikola tesla.

belle was the name of a female serial killer, while that name could mean a million things... thats what i means to me. killer of dreams.

josef... josef stalin.... enough said

nikola tesla being an underrated figure in da da da da THE COLD WAR mother fuckers.