help me build a closet/tent sog 1000w hps...


Well-Known Member
I bought the sea of green vol.II closet cultivation with "Hans". I only watched it once, but I want to do this sog perpetual harvest thing. Right now Ive got a veg closet 50" x 26" x 9 ft high that im using a 400 MH for veg. Ive got the MH out of there and have 2 54 watt t5 with reflectors on some orange bud seedlings
My second room for flowering is 4' x 4' x 7' high tent and I have a 1000 watt HPS being cooled by a 630 cfm blower.
I was thinking of buying another t5 and hooking it up to the others and having a clone chamber on the bottom and on the top the 400 watt MH on the mothers and the vegging plants. But if my tent can only hold 1 plant per sq ft then I can only harvest 4 plants every 2 weeks. How much will these 18"-24" plants produce?
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Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Hello An,

Usually a single 1000 watt HPS bulb in a VERY GOOD growing situation will produce 16 ounces (1lb). When multiple lights are used... 1000 watt bulbs can produce as much as 2lbs per light.. in GREAT conditions... some growers with perfect conditions have grown 5+ lbs with 2 - 1000 watt bulbs...

this requires perfect

-medium (usually a hydro or aeroponic system) pH levels
-Co2 levels
-GREAT yielding strain
-perfect temperatures
-proper watering technique (providing good mixture of O2 and moisture to the roots

Here are a couple pictures of a garden that yields 1lb using a 1000 watt bulb growing in MG soil with no added nutrients... just a simple veg and flowering period...


my second book will be called "Let's Grow a Pound"

showing a step by step daily process on howw to eaisly replicate a 1lb + yield...



Well-Known Member
thanks for the info garden knowm.
Right now the question is what size containers do I need to get the most efficiency out of my limited closet space.
And I love how close that 1000 watt is t the plants. I get my light really close too.
And Ill have to put the plants on risers or milk crates to even out the canopy.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
You can grow in really small containers...1 gallon if you want.... But I refer 3+ gallons...

recently watered watered each plant with 1 gallon of water... 1/2 gallon in the morning and 1/2 gallon in the evening.. the plants did not need watering for 10 days!!

this was in the 4th week of flowering... the BIGGGER containers really held a lot of moisture.... this is convenient.. especially if you need to go away for a few days or even 2 weeks.... extra soil hold a lot more water!!

worth noting :)


Well-Known Member
I only have 16 sq ft flowering room so im guessing I can only flower 4 plants at a time which really sucks. any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
c'mon...theres gotta be some one out there that has S.O.G. experience.

So garden knowm, what am I looking at for size containers for the different grwth stages if im using b'cuzz plugs or rapid rooters for cloning, a cloning chamber underneath with t5's and above that is the veg room with the 400 MH growing my 3 moms and i guess 4 plants in veg for 2 weeks?
And I know you mentioned genetics but what would you say is the averave yield of these 18"-24" plants. I kinda want to know to get an idea if S.O.G. would be better than harvesting 8 large plants every 2 months.


Well-Known Member
I saw this hightimes article a while back where this guy was doing SOG in a 3x3ft space w/1000 hps and he put 25 plants in his space (thats 5x5). He uses one gallon grow bags, which take up about 6 sq inches… ish and around 7 sq inches of flowring space a piece. Says he yeilds about 2 pounds every 2 months! Never done a SOG, but I would venture to say u could get away with less than a square foot of space per plant.
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Well-Known Member
Fuckina. thats what Im tryin to do! I have 8 sq ft of clone space under t5's and 8 sq ft of space above the clone chamber where the vegging plants and my moms are under 400 watt MH. Get it, my closet would be divided into 2 seperate levels.
Then I have 16 sq ft of floor space for flowering under a 1000 watt hps in my tent. how could I use this space efficiently to get maximum pruduction. Agtain what size pots? Im going with the square ones since they take up less space in the tent.
The thing about dirt bags is that you have to divise a method of collecting all the run-off water> Im not sure how this is done. Ive never seen indoor growers using dirt bags.


Well-Known Member
yea.. 1lb per 100 watt is weak, heath did a vertical sog with 1 600 watt light no co2 and got 2.75 lbs.. Any one with exp will tell you .6g per watt is avg/low. 1 g per watt is good, watt 1000 watts, 1000 grams= 2+pounds.. correct?


Active Member
anhedonia I am trying to do the same thing. I just got an 1khps, I think it may be to much but I heard over and over that nothing can bud like 1khps. My closet is 6'x2'x8'tall. I built a box frame inside the closet thats 5' feet tall. I hope that is tall enough for a small sog grow. Im going to try and figure out how to wrap and seperate the box with poly. One for veg and the other for flower. Each side is about 2'x3'x5 and will be exhaust with a 440cfm and both 1k and 400w cooled with 265cfm blower. In the veg I will be growing in FF soil, and in the flower I will be using a mega garden. My problems that I haven't figured out are timing the fan for both sides but also have Co2 running A(electric damper open w/o power), and how to change my res. I wish they made an hydro system that was easy to change.
I put the mega garden in a pvc sort of table like a regular ebb and flow system, but its too tall with an 1k light in there to. So i thought about drilling four wholes in the wood fram. Then have the pvc table holding the grow tray hang above the res. It may be easiers to hang it with chains and have trellis tied to the chains.