Help me choose a bong


Well-Known Member
If it's a bong for you... shouldn't you pick the one that you like.. not the one I (or anyone else) likes?

Or is this one of those questions where you are just trying to find out what gift to buy me? :)
If it's a bong for you... shouldn't you pick the one that you like.. not the one I (or anyone else) likes?

Or is this one of those questions where you are just trying to find out what gift to buy me? :)
Well I like them both around the same, just want to see opinions of other people :P

Also maybe someone could describe what's the difference between those two? (Other than visual)


Active Member
i wouldnt get either of them man... theyre no good. Look up Syn or Sheldon Black. i feel like i am saying this same thing in every single glass post on this forum but cmon with the chinese glass.