Help Me Control This Room


Well-Known Member
I currently run a 3x3 with a drip to Waste system.

I am looking to get a good timer for the reservoir pump.

In the process I got to wondering if I could just run a controller.

I have an intake and exhaust fan.

My intake pulls steady 70 degree air which helps regulate.

Does anyone run an arduino or raspberry pi system?

Or suggest a reasonable priced way to monitor heat swings?

So I guess in the end I'd like to control temp via fans, and possibly monitor PH, while controlling my cycles.

I love DIY if anyone has done a build.



Well-Known Member
Sensorpush $50 temp/humidity data-logger to your phone.

Titan has a hi/low Day/night temp controller. Plug your fans into & set desired temps. Get a dehumidifier with a drain attachment.