help me cool my cab plz(pics)


Active Member
built my box, 150w hps, 2 exaust fans 3 intake and a big fan blowing heat up and with and without big fan still 90 degrees any suggestions? thanks to all




your exhaust should be the largest and most powerful fan you fan get. You need to suck the air out of the cabinet.

BUMP for the vets opinion

le' rukkus

Well-Known Member
well the thing is, your exhaust fans should be closer to your light, while your intake can remain or move lower, but you wanna focus on exhaust rather than intake, Becaussssse your plant will suck in all the fresh air/co2 and put out oxygen that it cannot use (and it can actually suffocate your plant from what ive heard) so i'd recommend you use 3-4 fans for exhaust and jus one for intake, also make sure you have a fan in your light or really close to your light to be able to cool it down as well as push the hot air out to the exhaust fans.

le' rukkus

Well-Known Member
iffff your ballast is in youre grown room or pretty close, that could be givin off alot of heat as well.


Well-Known Member
built my box, 150w hps, 2 exaust fans 3 intake and a big fan blowing heat up and with and without big fan still 90 degrees any suggestions? thanks to all
how do you check temp? to check air temp you keep the thermometer at the height of the plants but shielded from direct light. the radiant heat from the lamp will heat the thermometer higher than the actual air temperature without a shield.


Well-Known Member
I had 90 degree temp and around 20% humidity. I used a tower oscillating fan for intake and a dual window fan for exhaust, it brought my temps down to 84 degrees. I then added a ultra sonic humidifier and it lowered my temps by 5-10 degrees. Now they sit around 78F to 80F


Active Member
Why not just use one intake and 3 outlet . Or when your light is on why not just leave your closet or box door open a jar , Just ajust the door opening until you gey your desired temp . If i was you i would move your fans to the ceiling as heat rises . I know you have your fans close to the top of your grow box but moving them to the ceiling will make a difference also


Active Member
Mann, you cab is much larger than mine and I use a 400 Watt with no issues. I use:

4x 120mm Fans - Exhaust
3x 120mm Fans - Intake
1x 3 Speed oscillating fan on 2nd speed

Maybe you migh consider ditching that reflector and buying a cooltube (or even building your own) from ebay for like £35. All you need is a half decent fan and some ducitng, that would really help you.


Active Member
always always always have more exhaust then you have inlet. what you could do if you have an air cooled hood is make a braket that one of those fans will mount to and mount 2 of them to each side of your hood if its an air cooled hood. i would get as many as 6 exhaust fans that are of the same size in such a small area to be honest. if you went to the hydro store and got a 100 dollar inline fine to cool hood you would have no problems. firts thing you should do is cool the hood. then worry about inlet and exauhst.


Active Member
also if you give your plants c02 they can withstand hotter temps. only give co2 when the lights are on though as when they sleep it will burn them. ive had my plants almost to 100 degrees while feeding co2 and no problems arrose