Help me diagnose this problem!


Ursus marijanus
Nute burn usually runs from the tips in ... could it be thermal or chemical burning? Is more of the plant affected? What lights and grow room temps ... ? cn

<edit> By the colors, you're either running LEDs or aquarists' T5s ...


Well-Known Member
id say cal mag because thats how my leaves looked and thats around the same time of my 12/12 i started having probs


Well-Known Member
Sorry mayne - here's the low down;

70% sphagnum moss, mixed with perlite and limestone.

Feeding regimine is full strength AN every watering as needed (3-5 days)

Sensi Bloom AB
Big Bud
Bud Candy
Bud Factor X

Running Blackstar 180 adn Pro-Grow 180. Temps are always low, low , low.... never above 24 degrees Celsius.


Ursus marijanus
Calcium is a real possibility ... it's a fixed nutrient however and the whole plant, esp. the younger growth, would show those calcium lesions.

<edit> waiiiit. Just read about limestone in the soilless medium ... regular limestone or dolomite? Not that it matters ... that pretty much scotches my calcium suspicions. cn


Well-Known Member
I have some epsom salt, should I mix a tsp or two in with my next watering? Should my next watering be straight water?


Ursus marijanus
Before you change your nute ratios, Beef ... could you provide a pic of the whole plant? Much depends on how localized the condition is. cn


Ursus marijanus
Something is out of whack ... i see Nitrogen Claw and possible purpling from phosphorus deficiency ... but these are shots in the dark, I will confess. But too much N and not enough P/K could cause this constellation of symptoms. cn


Ursus marijanus
Your plants are nice and healthy overall but definitely a bit gorged on N. I would discontinue feeding and just water from here on in. Your plants have stored plenty of nutes to see you to the end, and just imo ... having used up some of those nutes will make your post-harvest cure go better ...

,edit> The lesions on the opening pics could be more than one thing , but whatever it is, it isn't spreading. I think that for the remainder of the grow they'll be a non-issue. cn


Well-Known Member
The pics in the original post look maybe root issues
over watering or a salt build up. The salt build up
is what give you the burnt drooping look. Are you
alternating watering/feedings? The drooping is the
over watering. I like the advances sensi bloom too
But when I tried to use all the additives like voodoo
juice, big bud and what not I always burnt my buds!
I think a lot of that is just something to sell with a cool
name sweet smell and a High price!:lol:

Next time you water check the runoff ppm's if it's higher
than what you're feeding it's a salt build up!


Well-Known Member
I actually don't have a ppm meter....

It might be from the pots I'm using... I'm not sure I made enough holes in them. I have 3 gallon fabric pots on the way, they'll air prune, and allow for a lot better drainage. I hope it's too bad of a salt build up, I think the girls have about 2 weeks left, so as long as they don't get too bad within 2 weeks I'm ok with it. lol

Lesson learned.