Help me family

@curious2garden Haha sure - @Barrybee flush em with distilled water and give 1/4 feed using distilled water after a few days. That's my only recommendation. I switched to hydro because in soil I couldn't easily add or subtract something like I can in hydro.

With better pics I might be able to tell more, but I'm not an expert, and 'flush and re-start' is pretty much my initial go-to for any and all.
@curious2garden Haha sure - @Barrybee flush em with distilled water and give 1/4 feed using distilled water after a few days. That's my only recommendation. I switched to hydro because in soil I couldn't easily add or subtract something like I can in hydro.

With better pics I might be able to tell more, but I'm not an expert, and 'flush and re-start' is pretty much my initial go-to for any and all.
You can't really flush soil as you have a microbe herd and nutrients release in soil on watering. Based on his images he needs fewer nutrients as his lack of fan leaves won't support more anabolic metabolism as they look burnt to a crisp already. I would leave him to the help of other soil growers. I only showed up here to say the low RH won't cause his issue.
You can't really flush soil as you have a microbe herd and nutrients release in soil on watering. Based on his images he needs fewer nutrients as his lack of fan leaves won't support more anabolic metabolism as they look burnt to a crisp already. I would leave him to the help of other soil growers. I only showed up here to say the low RH won't cause his issue.
Well I agree with you on the plant looking over fed.

I used to grow in soil for years and flushing my soil is something that I've done in the past. You can flush anything (because nutrients release upon watering). As you stated he needs fewer nutrients, I'm willing to bet a flush will reduce nutrients. He's using sensi A & B and with the plants at that size in FF soil you don't think there's build up going on?

If he increased his RH the plants wouldn't take up as much and would be another way of helping to mitigate over feeding. So I'd respectfully disagree that RH has nothing to do with it as well.

@Barrybee you could try to re-pot in "cooler" soil too (normally frowned on during flower fyi), but aside from flushing that's all I got man. They look over fed from what I can tell, with larger plants that amount of nutes may be fine, but for the size your plants are they are getting to much, imo. Good luck!
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@curious2garden and @ChiefRunningPhist have you guys heard the latest podcast that KIS organics does? He interviewed a scientist that likes bottled nutrients and she had some good stuff to say about it. off topic, but thought it was a good episode so im sharing it lol
I didn't, ill have to check it out. I think bottled nutes are great lol but I like organic too haha

I'm under the impression that any natural growing conditions or nessecities can be replicated artificially. Its just a matter of time till we figure it out. As we learn more about the trade off of the symbiotic relationship organic offers, I believe we can replicate the net benefit in a lab. Make our nute recipes reflect the benefit of organic. That's why the nutes are getting better. But ^^^ that's all just personal opinion lol

Check this out! Won't be long till they cut out the growing part and start growing canabinoids with yeast, maybe they already know how to, I thought there was a synthetic THC but not sure??...

If they branched out to THC, lol STZ and CGC looks kinda fucked, along with all my ACB :-x, ... or maybe not, haha like I know :roll:
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I didn't, ill have to check it out. I think bottled nutes are great lol but I like organic too haha

I'm under the impression that any natural growing conditions or nessecities can be replicated artificially. Its just a matter of time till we figure it out. As we learn more about the trade off of the symbiotic relationship organic offers, I believe we can replicate the net benefit in a lab. Make our nute recipes reflect the benefit of organic. That's why the nutes are getting better. But ^^^ that's all just personal opinion lol

Check this out! Won't be long till they cut out the growing part and start growing canabinoids with yeast, maybe they already know how to, I thought there was a synthetic THC but not sure??...

If they branched out to THC, lol STZ and CGC looks kinda fucked, along with all my ACB :-x, ... or maybe not, haha like I know :roll:
I know in that podcast the lady is lead cultivator/ experienced botanist for some place in cali and said that they were testing the different bottled nutes and compared it to leaf tissue samples and found that almost 70% or so of your nutes are actually just draining out, cuz it doesn't show in the plant as having near as much ppm of each nutrient that we are putting in the pots. She also said she thinks the "flush" is beneficial only because it is actually helping get some of the extra nutes out of the soil. Also said that she thinks that when people water microbes into their hydro setups, it show benefits again because you are basically flushing the soil lol. I dont grow with bottles but I found it really interesting.
I know in that podcast the lady is lead cultivator/ experienced botanist for some place in cali and said that they were testing the different bottled nutes and compared it to leaf tissue samples and found that almost 70% or so of your nutes are actually just draining out, cuz it doesn't show in the plant as having near as much ppm of each nutrient that we are putting in the pots. She also said she thinks the "flush" is beneficial only because it is actually helping get some of the extra nutes out of the soil. Also said that she thinks that when people water microbes into their hydro setups, it show benefits again because you are basically flushing the soil lol. I dont grow with bottles but I found it really interesting.
Ya, a good listen! A PhD from Clemson in plant sciences, Dr. Allison Justice. She says they don't know about the flush, but speculated any benefit noticed could be through a stress mechanism, like noticed in the over ferting that seems to stimulate growth when people slam their plants week 3-5 of bloom, or she speculated it could be inducing the plant to begin "harvest mode" and turning starches to sugars or "...chlorophyll degradation that could in fact yield to a better post harvest product." They said there was 1 masters dissertation done in Canada that said there was the same amount of nutes for non-flushed vs a flushed, but that was the one and only study done.

Interesting about defoliating any leaves under 200μmol/m2/s as they are a "sink." (@39min if you got it open) Lollipopping is scientifically sound it seems. Although they did not test with respect to yield, so as far as the yield debate is concerned its not over.

Also, for hydro guys, 50-200ppm of N is all and anything over 100ppm of P and you start precipitating your "Fe, Zn, and possibly Ca."

Most nute recommendations are at least 3× over whats is needed.
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It seems like over ferting is the number 1 mistake growers make. Why? Because they can. They add fert from beginning to end, never realizing it's not always the thing to do, especially if you're using a soil that has nutrients already. Then they come here and ask what went wrong. The manufacturers must be loving all the additional income from the sale of useless products.
Well I agree with you on the plant looking over fed.

I used to grow in soil for years and flushing my soil is something that I've done in the past. You can flush anything (because nutrients release upon watering). As you stated he needs fewer nutrients, I'm willing to bet a flush will reduce nutrients. He's using sensi A & B and with the plants at that size in FF soil you don't think there's build up going on?

If he increased his RH the plants wouldn't take up as much and would be another way of helping to mitigate over feeding. So I'd respectfully disagree that RH has nothing to do with it as well.

@Barrybee you could try to re-pot in "cooler" soil too (normally frowned on during flower fyi), but aside from flushing that's all I got man. They look over fed from what I can tell, with larger plants that amount of nutes may be fine, but for the size your plants are they are getting to much, imo. Good luck!
Hey don't worry about disagreeing you make some great points and there's an infinite number of ways to grow this weed :) I think you offered him some great options. I don't think he could go wrong listening.

I know in that podcast the lady is lead cultivator/ experienced botanist for some place in cali and said that they were testing the different bottled nutes and compared it to leaf tissue samples and found that almost 70% or so of your nutes are actually just draining out, cuz it doesn't show in the plant as having near as much ppm of each nutrient that we are putting in the pots. She also said she thinks the "flush" is beneficial only because it is actually helping get some of the extra nutes out of the soil. Also said that she thinks that when people water microbes into their hydro setups, it show benefits again because you are basically flushing the soil lol. I dont grow with bottles but I found it really interesting.

Thank you, that was a great listen. I already recommended it to a few others and I agree with what @ChiefRunningPhist said about it
I am going to post other pictures of the Clones I am growing they are totally different from those 5 Auto plants