help me grow my first plant please!!!!!

ok so i picked up a a sack of sum regular 5 dollar a gram weed and took a seed to start my first plant. its decent reggie but i want to make sure im doing this right. my friend told me to put it in a bottle of water and wait til it dropped den wait til i see a tiny sprout. i did all this and put it in the dirt. now its about a week old and is pretty damn tall. its growing an half inch to an inch a day. two leaves are marijuanaa leaves and the other two are regular lookin leaves. i think im watering it right cuz its not droopy and im leaving it in my windowsill for sunlight cuz i want to do it as natural as possible. i use bottled water for watering. any help would be appreciated cuz i dont wanna kill my first attempt at hella free weed. also how much should a mature plant produce, and how long should it take to bud, and how do i dry it and flush it out? like i said im a begginner and need help
I learnt the basic grow stuff from Youtube. Basic grow room and lighting ect.. There is this video called Mr.Green watch those. They help get you started.


Well-Known Member
Weed is weed. Just grow the damn thing.
Keep your grow simple.
Good soil
Good drainage.
Keep temps down.
Air circulation
Proper PH .
Organic nutes or other
Dont over nute
Dont over water
Enough lighting
Dont freak when you have a problem. Relax
For gods sake "Dont rush things"
While your sprout is more research.

Here is something that will help you later.

Good luck...hope it's not a BOY


im growing it indoors by an open window for ventalation and i move it from one window to the opposite one when the sun starts moving.


Active Member
sounds like you're off to an ok start. Anybody can get this far, it's all about what you are willing to do to make your plant live. i know you just wish someone would turn the dial on time and you can fly to the end. You're antsy and wanna talk to someone about it. main thing is..

..keep it on here, and the anxiety of growing your own will pass. Day by day you'll see more and more and instead of asking for help, you can lend some, perhaps.

Just keep on watering, and since you lack lights, you're going to have to improve your lighting, move outdoors or since it's one seed set up a small grow box with CFLs.

...if we help you grow it, can we help you smoke it?

ha.. good luck
ok kool. its still young but i think i can tell the marijuana leaves have 7 points. does this mean its sativa blend? also when can i tell the gender?
ok kool. its still young but i think i can tell the marijuana leaves have 7 points. does this mean its sativa blend? also when can i tell the gender?
I'm also a newbie. But Best way to learn is to help. :D I think that the only way you can tell they are female is the start them flowering. However, you don't want to grow a full plant then get it to start flowering then realise it's male. Waste of time. And flowering then forcing them back into vegetation can be hard on the plant. So unless you buy fem seeds; let the plant get big enough to clone. Flour the clone and find out. This way you keep the main plant growing.

Once you see the gender that firts clone is good for not much else and can be scrapped. If it's male get rid of the entire plant.

Now all this information is in the Frequently asked question section and is all explained in the videos I linked you. Try those.

If not I'll keep researching and help myself by trying to help you.

ok i watched the first mr green video and all he does is hydroponics. im using a pot and soil so it didnt help me much but i did learn how to hang them. u know nething about making hash?


Well-Known Member
ok i watched the first mr green video and all he does is hydroponics. im using a pot and soil so it didnt help me much but i did learn how to hang them. u know nething about making hash?
i am usually not the grammar police but stop being lazy. they do not charge a per letter fee
when posting.
ok i watched the first mr green video and all he does is hydroponics. im using a pot and soil so it didnt help me much but i did learn how to hang them. u know nething about making hash?
Watch the other three videos. He teachers soil/hydro and he specifically goes into how to make hash with the left over after you've harvested your bud.


im growing it indoors by an open window for ventalation and i move it from one window to the opposite one when the sun starts moving.
You really can't grow a cannabis plant from start to finish just by window light. It either needs to go outside for the duration of it's life, or you need some real horticultural lighting. This is probably why it is getting so tall, it's stretching due to lack of light... it desires more than the window can provide.