Help Me Grow

blunts2the head

Active Member
So ive read alot and watched a couple of videos on growing, i know there is more than one way to germinate now and to germinate my seed i just placed them in a plastice cup of water and put it in a dark spot(its warm also), one video i watched the guys seeds germinated in the cup of water he didnt take them out or put them in a paper towel has anyone eles done this.. I WANT TO GROW


Active Member
So ive read alot and watched a couple of videos on growing, i know there is more than one way to germinate now and to germinate my seed i just placed them in a plastice cup of water and put it in a dark spot(its warm also), one video i watched the guys seeds germinated in the cup of water he didnt take them out or put them in a paper towel has anyone eles done this.. I WANT TO GROW
I've read a thing that people use the water in a cup method to germinate a seed but not to grow in, once you have the tail you want to plant it into your medium or wait till you see the first sings of leafs


Well-Known Member
i would just stick to the paper towel or a washcloth is what i use, and trix he ain't talkin about growing the plant in the cup of water, well i sure hope he ain't


Active Member
i would just stick to the paper towel or a washcloth is what i use, and trix he ain't talkin about growing the plant in the cup of water, well i sure hope he ain't
I hope not either but I just wanted to cover that just incase he was talking about that


Well-Known Member
So ive read alot and watched a couple of videos on growing, i know there is more than one way to germinate now and to germinate my seed i just placed them in a plastice cup of water and put it in a dark spot(its warm also), one video i watched the guys seeds germinated in the cup of water he didnt take them out or put them in a paper towel has anyone eles done this.. I WANT TO GROW
I have done both methods. The water in the cup is preferred by me. There are two tricks to this method. First, make sure the water is ph 6.0 (or close to that). The water needs to be tepid, 75-80 deg F. When the taproot is 1/4 to 1/2 inch long, plant in moist medium.

Some people believe careful attention to these two rules increases the number of female plants.


Well-Known Member
Well what I do is soak the seeds in a cup of water for like 2-3 hours to soften the outer shell then I put it in a damp washcloth or papertowels on a plate then cover it with a bowl and put it in my cloning area.. The bowl keeps it from getting light so it stays dark.. The reason I put it in my clone area is cause u want the seeds to be warm and my clone area is around 79-81 degrees at all times..


Well-Known Member
put on a paper towel and pour warm water on it, do the same to another towel and out it over the seeds. then place a ceramic bowl on top. put in room for 24. my seeds are still germinating and it's taken me 3 days.


Well-Known Member
put on a paper towel and pour warm water on it, do the same to another towel and out it over the seeds. then place a ceramic bowl on top. put in room for 24. my seeds are still germinating and it's taken me 3 days.
Here are some key things you dont want to drown the seeds make sure the towels are just damp and they need to be in a place that gets around 78-80 degrees so the humidity lvl goes up.. If they dont start to germinate within 10 days then they are probably bad seeds..


Well-Known Member
I've read if you also use distilled water that's supose to make the outcome of you getting a female higher
I do not believe this to be true, because distilled water is 7.0ph. I have not had success when I tried it personally. But, someone here will likely say that it is fine to do it. I personally believe that seed varieties makes a huge difference. Some things will work sometimes with some varieties and not others.


Well-Known Member
Distilled and R/O water have between 6.0-6.5 ph usually the reason why they are good to use is because the impurities have been taken out they have usually a 0ppm count at most 20ppm


Well-Known Member
ok lol the "soaking" thing is a pre step to germanating,
you put the seed in a cup of water covered
over night. the point of this is to wait to see
if it falls to the bottom soaking the seed all
the way threw by the way if the seed dose not
fall to the bottom the chances of germination
are far lower then those that have fallen, but
before you give up on that seed try shaking
the cup, some times air can get caught inside
the shell causing it to float. once your done
"soaking" your seed its time to germinate.
good luck .

such a long long time to be gone and a short time to be there:blsmoke: