Help Me Guess My Guerilla Grow Yield


Active Member
This is my first outdoor grow op and im just looking for some rough estimates on some yields. Im in southern maine, and my plants are getting direct light from 8 am until 5pm. They are in 10 gallon pots but have/or are all very close to root bound. Grand total i have 10 ladies, all from bagseed, as far as i know its Grape Ape and White Widow, i also think a mersh seed found its way in there.... oh well.

I'm wondering the weight on 4 fine ladies though, my best ones, i plan on keeping the bud off of these plants for my smoke for the year and turning the rest of the bud into hash and has oil for the year. So here are some pics. Btw these pics are a weekish old, they are of the first week of flowering and im on my second and a half week now, plants are about 6 inches taller overall

P8240054.jpg Potential Widow #1 Bout 6'5
P8240063.jpg Potential Widow #2 Bout 6'2
P8240062.jpg Potential Grape Ape #1 Bout 5'10
P8240061.jpg Potential Grape Ape #2 Bout 5'11

Any ideas on the yields?


Active Member
I'm surprised they just started flowering. I'm pretty close to you and mine are like 3/4 weeks into flower. This is my 1st try outdoors as well. Mine are like 4.5 ft, but look very simlar to yours. I'll be interested what yeild people think you'll get!


Active Member
The whit widow plants are about 2/3 weeks into flowering just not hulking out........ and the grape ape just started slow for some reason, but should have plenty of time for a full 8 week flower still least i hope. i dont think itll get to cold before i harvest


Well-Known Member
Pic #3 kinda looks like my grape ape bagseed
here she is::blsmoke:
My grape ape is taking his time to flower as well
and mite still be preflowering along with my violator kush



Active Member
As for first frost im hopping it holds off till late octoberish early novemeber but cant be certain yano. my harvest looks like itll be somewhere between 0ct 10 and 20 for a full 8-9 week flower.

And nice man def a grape ape looks real similar to my shit man, a little short but my buddies grwoing grape ape indoors and hes on week 7 of flowering and they fucking hulk out just short FAT NUGZ i cant fucking wait to harvest.........



Well-Known Member
It just depends on how you finish the show man. lots of water. some good nutes, good weather.... I say between zero and 8 ounces, maybe more


Well-Known Member
nice to see someone growing plants that havent been topped i would put them in the ground if its not to late and id say 2 zips each plant is easily possible so bringing your harvest to around a half pound give or take


Active Member
Im using the fox farm trio right now as my flowering nutes, and for all my vegging i used organic bone, fish and blood meal. Since flowering has begun i have also started a once a week watering with molasses at 1 teaspoon per gallon, on top of ff nutes, plant seems to love it so far, any suggestions from anyone? was really hopping for 3-4 oz per plant.

Northside.roost yeah fuck that topping shit man at least for this outdoor grow


Active Member
A few quick things:

First Nothside.roost is a thief and a tea bagger. Please no one take his advice on anything. Unless its giving head I hears he is pretty good at that. ; )

Second there is so much more info needed to make a guess.
We have no idea of how it was grown.( general care and everyday living condtions.of the plant)
We have no idea how mu h average growth your plants have.
We have no idea on the past or future weather that CAN AND WILL effect your yeild.
We have no idea on you growing ability wich CAN AND WILL effect your yeild.
We have no idea about
past or future defectives
and or wrong ph
and or nute burn


Active Member
Well to my heartache i went to water my babies today and someone took all of them early this moring, im devestated so much time effort and money all gone for nothing
Was there even bud on them to take yet? Someone may have just chopped them because they disapprove. I know how you feel though man, its happened to me before as well. I wouldn't go back out to that spot again anytime soon.


Well-Known Member
Well to my heartache i went to water my babies today and someone took all of them early this moring, im devestated so much time effort and money all gone for nothing
man i thought about.that shit all night..i really.feel for ya man...todays the day to go smelling.muthafuckas hands and shit...had you shown anyone..i know its hard not to..i had an outdoor plot and showed up one day to find em all cut at the base and all the water gallons were gone..thats how i know it was cops because they cleaned up rather than just taking the so sorry.bro..wish i could gift ya one o mine..maybe someday when our lives are our lives huh?


Active Member
thanks guys for the mutual feeling, makes it less harsh i guess, still pretty upset, as for cop no it wasnt them cause whoever did it missed one plant and i doubt cops would miss one they would be through enough to get em all, and as for showing anyone i showed my financial partner, he paid for most of the equipment, the soil nutes and pots, and i was doing the growing split yiel 60 me 40 him, and he was at my house when it all got stolen so its not him, and other then that my dad has seen em once but im 100% sure my dad didnt take em he doesnt smoke for one and for 2 has no one to sell to, im fairly confident it was my neighboor, i set fishline trip wires through the woods about 200 feet away from my plants in a complet circle then another larger circle of fish line behing that so i could figure out what direction someone was coming from if there ever was a snooper and the first time someone else went out that. that i can tell, they took em, and both the fish line snares leading to my neighboors house is broken pluss it looks like he rode a fourwheeler or tractor right to them. it was all on my property so i dunno what the issue coulda been. like i said im 99% sure my neighboor took my crop which is bullshit cause he is a real farmer, corn and potatoes so he knows the value of a yearly crop...

i just wanna ask if retaliation is acceptable if i know who did it, obv not gunna shoot the guy but i may wipe out 1/4 of his corn crop, or water it with bleach to ruin it as payback? thoughts.....