Help me guys, problem with my buds!


Just noticed that the buds who are closer to my reflector - with 8 CFL bulbs are getting wet from inside, one of them looks pretty bad looks something like a putridity.
help me my brothers!!


get a fan on them ASAP. It don't matter if it's a crappy substitute from the dollar store, you have to get air moving right now. buy a cheap box fan it don't matter, you need air circulation and you need it now.


Well-Known Member
Thats right cut the mold out and run 2 fans in there 24/7, not just at lights on.


cut out the rotten buds, but still I can see a few rotten little leaves, but it looks inconsequentialy.
for the note: that was the 11st week of flowering when I recognize the rotten buds.
now my plant is harvested and hanged, but is there a possibility to rotting could starts again?