Help me- Help FDD

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Well-Known Member
My 2 cents on this issue about the BBQ....
I was at the BBQ with all the others. I met FDD, KMK and KMK's gf there. I didn't talk much to FDD, and talked to KMK a bit more. If I remember correctly those two were STONED OUT OF THEIR GOURD on canna cookies. They said after the fact that on the BBQ thread that they ate canna cookies on the way to the BBQ, and wished they had NOT eaten those cookies because they were TOO FUCKED UP at the BBQ and had a hard time socializing. I could see FDD becoming more social as the BBQ went on, but he did appear to be taking everything in, seeing how the crowd was before partaking in the smoking rings. He seemed to be a bit "suspicious" of others at first, he even said he expected there to be "law enforcement of some sort there" well before the BBQ happened on the the BBQ thread.
So I think FDD was TOO stoned to be giving up info there that would get him in trouble with the FBI. The mailing across state lines seems more the case here if the FBI is involved. I wish him and especially his family the best of luck, seems like they're getting a lot of support here, I hope it keeps up.
I think we users/growers in Ca are becoming a bit to comfortable in the casual trade of medicine with-in our state. As more and more of us become users /growers, more and more greed will set in. Why sell our left over meds to the dispensaries here in Ca at $80 an Oz when the growers can get $300 an Oz across state lines?(I'm sure larger amounts MAY HAVE BEEN involved, but I hope you get my point).
I wish you luck buddy.
My 2 cents...
I'm not saying that's why he was busted.

I was just saying I thought the way the BBQ sounded, sounded too open.
But someone told me that it wasn't a big "Get together and give away your info" kinda thing :D


Well-Known Member
Sent Donation and much love to FDD. Let's hope things work out for him!!!!

Peace, DST


Active Member
WOW ...

Why dont you guys put your money where your mouth is...

If you would like to help fdd and his family in their time of need, please send Potroast a Private Message, or send an email to


curious old fart

Well-Known Member
He will be going to court in Springfield, Illinois. Does anyone know of a good federal defense lawyer in that area? A good lawyer, like the one that has a rape charge reduced to tailgaiting.



Well-Known Member
Doubt any real big players are on this web site that would have the best lawyer on speed dial, But hey ya just never know. Someone call O.J I am sure he has da hook up


Well-Known Member
This thread went down the shitter pretty fast

Buck I love ya man but you should chill out for a minute and not let the idiots get to you

Finshaggy should be banned for being an obnoxious disruptive trolling cancerous entity since he first showed up here

Brick top I am disappointed in you man since when do 57 year olds stoop to acting like a middle schooler, I had respect for you this shits sad

And as for that other random dude with a hard on for shaggy following buck around go troll somewhere else this is not the place or time for it

Guys seriously pull it together this thread is for fdd and his wife, take your fucking squabbling somewhere else


Well-Known Member
wow whos gonna let this scare them from a bbq ? come on whats gonna happen like really maybe like fdd said the feds will come out of the trees ! not !!!!!!!!! fdd2blk and kotton mouth would want us to all eat hella food for them and smoke hella dank not be scared hiding (hiding as in not coming to a bbQ)
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