Help me,i am torn


Active Member
O.I just purchased a nice 2x4 ebb and flow setup,all attachments,pump,etc,tray,rez,etc,for 280 bucks with ph up/down,hydroton,ph test,48 starter cubes,18 planters,timer,I am no expert but sounds like a good deal.I also bought a grow tent 4x4,400 watt hortilux MH,and 400 HPS,getting the ballast tomorrow.The tent has 4" vent holes,so I got a 4 inch vortex fan,4"phresh filter.So i got a good starter set-up ,but the more I think and read myself into a corner I wonder hydro or start with soil>.........I read about Hydro and it scares me a bit,not to say soil is easy but it sounds more manageable.I have been readin and studying,researching,etc for about 2 weeks now...M y girl finally said shit or get off the pot,LOL,...She totally was tired of hearing me talk about it with no action.Just a side not ,how cool of a girl is that when she doesnt even smoke,;).So anyway I am wondering are the nutes hard to control in 20 gal rez,is all the stuff to much to start out on.PH,EC,etc it freaks me out.I am intelligent but this is a whole new deal,kinda get intimidated by new things,but love to learn.If I plant 10 or so in my tent in soil ,what will I get.Hydro is like 1 1/2 to 2 ,sounds tempting,but I will be learnin by myself and thank god a site like this.Dont wanna blow thru 300 dollars of seeds with no harvest.Anybody with ideas please reply,sorry this is so long,just smoked some brainstorm and wow,it makes me very concentrated and intense.Cant wait till I can say that I grew my own.Please help:wall:
go with soil first i would say, ive grown with soil and airoponics and felt that that soil was a lot easier 2 manage with less knowledge, it can b tricky 2 get the nuts right if u haven't done it before i found anyway.U might b smarter than me tho lol

averaged about 1-1 1/4 with soil and about 1 1/2 - 2 with airo with what felt like a lot more work on the airo

hope that helped


Well-Known Member
Dude, Hydro is not that hard bro.

You have to buy some tools to operate it correctly.

But, checking the ph and the nutes are no big deal.

You have to be on top of it though.

If your a slacker, maybe hydro wont work for you.

I run 11 dwc buckets and 4 soil plants at my crib, and its definetely a full time job.

But, its worth it when you see the rewards in the end.

Ive grown soil for about a decade, and to tell you the truth, it got kinda boring.

I like hydro to the fullest, and after you figure the shit out, Its pretty darn easy.

With hydro, your plants grow in days, not weeks.

Its speectacular once you get it all dialed in.

Anyways, get busy and set that badboy up!!

Best of luck to you :)


Well-Known Member
I would say forget the soil and do Hempy Buckets, which actually qualifies as true hydro. Just like growing in dirt except much simpler. Need to water more often etc. Any dope headed idiot can grow good dope in a Hempy Bucket.



New Member
The guy didn't strike me as a spaced out doper, he already bought the shit so he should go for it. Do the hydro, it's challenging. If your in it just for some smoke, maybe go soil than. But if your the type of guy who wants something that will challenge you than go hydro. What is so awesome about hydro is the quick reaction time it has to nute/light/temp changes. Get a simple 3-part nute and follow a schedule. Get 10 pack seeds, not femmed, it's cheaper. Some will be males but you will see how they grow differently than girls. It's an education. Soil is fine but we all have grown in soil haven't we? The one thing about soil though is that you can miss waterings, hydro things can get critical fast but the good thing is that when it works you can automate.

slostrich, dude iv bn reading all the replys you'v ad and it seems every 1 has sumthn diffrent to say but quite rightly so coz no matter how you go about it you just cant beat smoking your own! its awsum!!! eather way im sure you'll be fine as once you get them started its prty damn hard 2 f**k up, there weeds after all. trust me lol.
wat i will say tho is that if your whole crop is just 4 you and the m8s then go wi the soil dude coz there is a diffrence in smoke quality between the 2 methodes especially as you'll be learning the ropes.
oh yeh one lad said 2 get a pack of regular seeds, FOR GET IT! feminised all the way dude, 100e for 10 seeds and your about garenteed 2 get 8 of them its well worth it. i mean if you have the room to grow 10 plants up to sexing them then y waste it wen you can fill the place wi females and get bumper harvest!!!

i know wat u mean wi the brainstorm tho, i finishd my last lot of it last month :( totaly wkd. got another 6 of them at 4wk old jst now along with many more lol. i shld get some pics on ere b4 2 long.


Active Member
Thanks to all,Greengo,I agree with the fem and most of what you say,I think I will satrt with soil,I can always go to dro when I get more experience,once again thanks to all.Nice to have experienced people to help us newbies