Help me identify the genitics


Active Member
i was under the impression indica's aren't known for their branching? that is usually a sativa trait indica's short stout sativa's tall and branchy indica dense cntral cola sativa lots of pop corn type buds but hey guess all the people writing books are wrong.
Sativas are the branchy ones? I didn't know that. I've never grown anything pure, just hybrids. A durban x afghan? Wouldn't that be a 50/50 hybrid?


Well-Known Member
Ha ha, no shit. More like a hybrid cross of two different landraces.
you guys really should research before you go correcting someone!:? Durban Afghan is a land race from Durban Afghanistan, no hybrid it is a straight land race do you understand what that even means? .was growing it 20 yrs ago so wanna keep arguing?


Well-Known Member
you guys really should research before you go correcting someone!:? Durban Afghan is a land race from Durban Afghanistan, no hybrid it is a straight land race do you understand what that even means? .was growing it 20 yrs ago so wanna keep arguing?
An you have no clue what you are talking about...


Active Member
my first thought was auto cause leaves n top looks similar to what i had. but that pic of the whole plant looks sativa just from the shape. dense branching near the top. pretty much all seeds today are hybrids of something.


Well-Known Member
More like nobody cares... You cannot identify genetics based on a picture...

You have a sativa. Congrats.
okay well if its a sativa its def from a certain region ive grown many sativas and none had the bud formation this has had. just curiosity bro dont go stressin yourself