Help Me Name A Strain


Well-Known Member
i also like GLAZED! because that shit looks glazed.... wtg bro, that stuff looks incredible :joint: i wonder what percent thc it is? looks like, at least 18%. thats my uneducated guess though.... lol.


Active Member
Me and a guy at work were talking about this, you can name bud w/e you want and people will buy it. You can have dirt shwag and call it Horse shit and still move it.


Well-Known Member
Boooo see I love Superbad that movie is fucking priceless but the name McLovin just starts to get to you after people are always like omg Im Mclovin I'm like omg Shut the fuck up your Terry from down the road who still hasnt had sex with a human


Well-Known Member
imo tada is stupid.. it doesnt sound right unless u say tadaaaaaaaaaaa

which gets old really fast... i mean how many times are you going to say "tadaaa" ??