Help Me Out Please.


Well-Known Member
You wont be yeilding pounds here but you might be able to do something worthwhile with some research

check out del55555 's thread on doing 12/12 from seed. you can start flowering photoperiod right from germination with some strains(important to use the right strain) and then you can have a very short plant.

I would put a small hole near the bottom at one side and an exhaust hole at the opposite corner at the top. put a fan in the top hole for exhaust. Line the whole thing with mylar. and use between 4 and 8 23 watt cfl's to light it, depending on how well your fan works. If you get a good fan you can get away with more light and not get too hot. You can start a bunch of seedlings in there but only keep one female to flower with. Id recommend using femmed seeds or you wont know the sex.

no experience with this just giving you a basic idea. use your imagination and good luck


New Member
If you sre a strictly personal use grower you can use this. as for how to set up, I am a mechanical moron so can't help myself. But I can suggest a forum on RIU that can help you get your answers...CFL LIGHTING and Set-up. Good Luck! Not there is anthing wrong with posting here first. You'll just get more info from experienced DIY cfl guys and gals.


Well-Known Member
You might also find alot of examples at RIU of grows that are very similar to what youve got there, youll just have to search around a bit maybe trying typing "stealth cab" or something similar


Active Member
just a little hint i got a t5 24 watt 2foot light for $25 cheap offers full specturm and gives very little heat i dont need to vent to keep my grow cool might help in a small place


Active Member
It would be good to know what the dimensions are half, but I'd say you could grow in that..dillest before del gets here you better change those 5's into 6's lmao. I was cracking up when I read del55555. Woo Hoo I love micro grows!!


This looks way to small to grow marijuana in. Having a dresser and ripping out all the shelves would be better in my opinion.


Active Member
It looks to me like he has twice as much space as I do, and my grow is going just fine. There's nothing wrong with growing in small spaces...yield will be less but whatever. You do what you can do. I wish I had a lot more space lol. My cab is 27"h x 11"d x 21"w. I know growers who have done amazing things in less, so it's very possible for Super to have successful grows in that space. I wish he'd get back here lol


Well-Known Member
It looks to me like he has twice as much space as I do, and my grow is going just fine. There's nothing wrong with growing in small spaces...yield will be less but whatever. You do what you can do. I wish I had a lot more space lol. My cab is 27"h x 11"d x 21"w. I know growers who have done amazing things in less, so it's very possible for Super to have successful grows in that space. I wish he'd get back here lol
wooops lol sorry Del66666 I think I will just say Del from now on lol, thats not the first time I typed that with 5's


Well-Known Member
you'll want to vent, even if you don't have alot of heat. they need fresh air. 5X the air volume per hour. Stay away from cpu dc fans. they are loud for the amount of air they move and can't hold a good vacuum. Exhaust on top and a smaller passive intake on bottom. you'll want a good temp/RH meter in there too. with that small space you might be better in using the right sized square rubbermaid tub with holes on the bottom. use the tub cover for a drain pan. Better use of space than a round pot.