help me out take a look


Well-Known Member
Go to a nursery around your area. I would look for nutes for orchids. Orchids usually crave for NPK, bro. This is a picture of my nutes.



Well-Known Member
Penny I hate to be the bearer of bad news but the NPK of your stuff is NOT ideal for MJ. Go to the GrowFAQ's and look up the never ending abuse of phosphorus.

If you dod use that stuff you would use it during flowering. Cloudy is vegging. If your gonna give advice, make sure its accurate.

NPK numbers are a RATIO. Keep that in mind. Go with the Fish Emulsion Cloudy. Get the kind that says 15-0-1. It is great for vegging.

As to why your plant look weird...well maybe you mess with it too much and it's stressed out! I only look at my plants like once a day and don't usually even touch them. They don't need much help. Stay outta their way and let them do what they wanna do, which is Grow Grow Grow!!

When you transplant, you don't want the old root ball to be sticking up outta the new dirt, as it looks like in your pics. The old rootball should totally be covered by the new dirt.


Well-Known Member
My bad man, it's because I am going into flowering next week. This shit is the shit and should be perfect for flowering. I just confused Clowdies shit with someone else.

Hers the link suggesting 5-50-17 for flowering.
The article you provided also states that 10-30-10 would be adequate. In my opinion, your article is too general to use accurately as fact. It gives advice on growing outdoors, indoors, in hydro, so on and so forth, in only a brief way. You can access much more detailed, comprenhensive information on flowering nutes around here and on the growfaqs.

Are you growing in hydro or soil? Check out foxfarm products. Theu have relatively low NPK numbers but are engineered to provide the correct array of nutrients for all stages of MJ cultivation. They have a three-part solution that can be supplemented with additional nutes if the grower wishes.


Well-Known Member
ok i am going to see if i could use the truck and go to walmart/lowes/and the garden center to find that fish emulsion 15-0-1
hopefully i find it but if i dont can i find a npk that is close to that one?
something with mostly the N and like no really p k ?
thanks alot hit me up


Well-Known Member
ok i am going to see if i could use the truck and go to walmart/lowes/and the garden center to find that fish emulsion 15-0-1
hopefully i find it but if i dont can i find a npk that is close to that one?
something with mostly the N and like no really p k ?
thanks alot hit me up
yeah it can have some P and K but the best for veg for the N number to be about twice the other two.

so 15-5-7 would be ok. something like that. make sense?


Well-Known Member
The article you provided also states that 10-30-10 would be adequate. In my opinion, your article is too general to use accurately as fact. It gives advice on growing outdoors, indoors, in hydro, so on and so forth, in only a brief way. You can access much more detailed, comprenhensive information on flowering nutes around here and on the growfaqs.

Are you growing in hydro or soil? Check out foxfarm products. Theu have relatively low NPK numbers but are engineered to provide the correct array of nutrients for all stages of MJ cultivation. They have a three-part solution that can be supplemented with additional nutes if the grower wishes.
Ya but, if you type in the type 5-50-17 and cannabis in a google search there are alot of supporting facts about the nutes I am going to give my plants. They say that the nutes I am going to give my plants is harder to come by, but others will be fine for flowering.


Well-Known Member
Best marijuana flowering fertilizer

Flowering plants like very high phosphorus level and low nitrogen level foods, such as NPK 5-50-17, but 10-20-10 or 15-30-15 should be also ok. Nutrients should be provided with each watering at the beginning of flowering. Keep pruning to a minimum during the entire flowering phase. It is best to keep the dark hours a time when you would normally not wish to visit the garden. Flowering plants should not be sprayed often as this will promote mold and rot. Keep humidity levels down indoors when flowering, as this is the most delicate time for the plants in this regard.


Well-Known Member
You people keep saying the same shit, just type it into a google search. The nutes I provided for flowering are best. It's all good go ahead and qoute me.


Well-Known Member
You people keep saying the same shit, just type it into a google search. The nutes I provided for flowering are best. It's all good go ahead and qoute me.
Ahhh...I didnt see what stage your plants are in. I was thinking you were just starting, and were trying to give them those nutrients.

For flowering they can be used, but I will check that link to see whats in it and all. I know alot about nutes, plants, NPK, PPM ect.

The other guy is probably thinking the same thing, unless he knows your in the flowering stage. But I will check it out and let ya know. Sometimes there is much misleading info on the internet. If you see it being raved about in high times, then you would have to check it out. But I will take a look

EDIT, Nevermind I thought it was a link. What is your nutrient products name? That way I can see whats in it. But honestly, It wouldnt be wise for a new grower to use a Nutrient with those numbers, Most likely they will burn the hell out of there plants


Well-Known Member
Ahhh...I didnt see what stage your plants are in. I was thinking you were just starting, and were trying to give them those nutrients.

For flowering they can be used, but I will check that link to see whats in it and all. I know alot about nutes, plants, NPK, PPM ect.

The other guy is probably thinking the same thing, unless he knows your in the flowering stage. But I will check it out and let ya know. Sometimes there is much misleading info on the internet. If you see it being raved about in high times, then you would have to check it out. But I will take a look

EDIT, Nevermind I thought it was a link. What is your nutrient products name? That way I can see whats in it. But honestly, It wouldnt be wise for a new grower to use a Nutrient with those numbers, Most likely they will burn the hell out of there plants

It's Peters 5-50-17


Well-Known Member
It's Peters 5-50-17
Peter's(Jack's Classic) is a good product, but those ratios are not the best for flowering. Check out the pic I put up. That would prolly serve you better. This is from the growfaqs and it's posted on almost all the other grow sites as well. You can use what you have if you choose to, but what will prolly end up happening is that the plant WILL NOT use all that Phosphorus, then it will start to build up on ya, and then you will start to have problems with overfertilization. Just a heads up for ya bro, would hate to see something bad happen to your ladies. Peace.
The never ending abuse of Phosphorous to enhance flowering

Contributed by: Uncle Ben

A common mistake for growers when they reach the flowering stage is to start hitting the plants with a high P fert like 10-60-10, continuing to use this blend exclusively, and when their plants start experiencing a deficit of N or micros as reflected by the dropping of lower leaves and chlorosis, they wonder why. Plants flower as a response to long nights, not because of fert blends high in P. A ratio of 10-60-10 is WAY to high in P. The plant will only take what it needs and compete for other elements that may be more important at the time.

You may have heard that too much N can inhibit flowering. No question about it, exclusive use of a plant food that is rich in N such as blood meal, a 5-1-1 blend, or ammonium nitrate may inhibit flowering especially if the phosphorous level is low, but most balanced blends have sufficient amount of P to do the job. Manufacturers/horticulturists will give you element analysis and what effect the elements have on plant growth, but remember this does not necessarily mean you will get better yields. Using a high P fert exclusively during flowering can actually work against you. It's an abundant amount of healthy leaves going into 12/12 that produce a lot of bud, not high P ferts.

I rotate fert blends as the plant *requires* them, not because it is "the thing to do." For example, when your plants are going thru the stretch phase during early flowering, they may need more N, especially if you're getting some yellowing in the lower/mid leaves. Give up the cannabis paradigms, and give them what they need. Go back to mild high P fert when the stretch ends, maintaining the foliage in a healthy state of growth until harvest for maximum yields. A 1-3-2 blend such as Peter's Pro Blossom Booster, 10-30-20, is one of the best flowering blends on the market because of several factors - it is higher in nitrate N and Mg. It is sold under the Jack's Classic label. An added benefit of Peter's blends is their use of high quality, very pure salts that will cut down on root burn.



Active Member
go get some nice 13W CLF from walmart. you can put those close without burning the plant.

you need a fan blowing on them so they get stronger.. i don't think the foil around the pot really helped much.

when they start to fower they with really really smell so thing about getting a carbon filter(you might have to put them in a closet/grow tent for the carbon filter to properly work)

the more watt the bigger the yeild!!!!


Well-Known Member
I already gave him a link to that Antman. I don't think he gets it.

Growing ORCHIDS is not the same as growing MARIJUANA!


Well-Known Member
ok i went to the store i didnt find that fish emulism what ever stuff
i did see fish fertilizer but didnt have enough cuase i went to a diff store before and got this:12-0-0 blood meal from marical grow not the slow release stuff its food
ow well in back it says this product contains 12% slowly available nitrogen
and the other stuff i got is :5-3-3 and this shows it has everything in it besides just the npk it has calcium/magnesium/sulfur/boron/chlorine/cobalt/copper/iron/manganese/molybdenum/sodium/zinc.
and then it says this stuff about derived from:dehydrated manure,feather meal,crab meal,cocoa meal,corn gluten,bone meal,dried blood,sunflower meal,kelp meal,alfalfa meal,greensand,rock phosphate,sulfate of potash,sulfate of potash magnesia.and humates.and then it says plant-tone is a complete plant contains all the essential plant nutrients. ill show pics of both of them front and back so u could see an dlet me know which one i should use


Well-Known Member
what the fuc i just look at the bags i have to put it in the soil i cant mix with water then put it i dont know what to do
how would i be able to use this stuff please help ill post pics of them
heres some pics of both bags front and back and side
please let me know what i could do with it



Well-Known Member
you can put it in a cup of water and let it dilute , or put in a blender with water ..... just a couple ideas