help me out take a look


Well-Known Member
IMO, use these plants to get a grow under your belt work out all the kinks and then by the time u start again u will kno exactly wat to do, how to do it and your spot will be set up right.


Green Thumb of God
It is improving. Though I would probably save myself the hassle and save up some money to do it right. Get some good seeds and start them out under the correct lighting.


Well-Known Member
ok ive been doing 18/6 all the time
and im not going to start over to the guy who said i should im just going to keep on going
i already have 1 clone and i have 3 pots that have seeds in them and one of them cracked today and i poted it waiting for 1 more to crack and ill drop that 1 too.
i have a friend she knows someone that gets ride of kush so shes going to see if that person has any seeds i could get and i have a friend that gets rid of haze kush and arie
im going to see if he has any too
and im not using marical grow anymore last night i switched over my 12incher and the small plant into this new mix i just got yesterday its sphagnum peat moss,horticutural vermiculite,perlite,wetting agent and lime for ph balance mix
so no more MG :0)
thanks for the comments and help
keep them coming thanks very greatfull
ill take pics of what thingss look like now a little later when i come back :0)


Well-Known Member
ow ya i have 2 more cfl's im just waiting for a nother light socket and then im going to get a couple of spliters to put them all up at the same time then ill have 6 alltogether
at once in this small closet more light baby


Well-Known Member
first im not really exspecting anything whatever happens,happens.
just see where it will go.
the pics i just put up says what they are or are about when u click on them
let me know what ya think
and the 12incher that i pinched and put into totaly new soil geting all the marical grow from that one and the small one from where it was pinched it already is trying to grow upwards now i might have to pinch the same one again:weed:



Well-Known Member
what does replacement mean? is it equivalent or what? haha sorry i live in Australia and there just called equivalent to..
fucking Australia is so far behind haha


Well-Known Member
i have these new pics what ya think
i took the foil away too and i have the light real close too
is there any way i could fix the plant in one of those pics
that has some discoloring and it looks like diformatys on it
can i bring it back o healh?
le me know what ya hink of all the plants please.
Wait, you were using foil as reflectors? Yikes that is bad, Foil will burn your plants.


Well-Known Member
nope i took that foil all down i wasnt takin any chances with that i herd some tell me that before dont like to hear tht stuff.when i get my next check im going searching for some mylar to put up insted.
and stilltoken who are u talking to just 1dering?
what do u mean replacement? who said anything about that of whatever ur talking about?
the pinch i did to the 12incher already looked up at me so i bent it back down again
the new lights are really working nice they like em alot so dont i :0)
even after just last night me changing the soil completely i mean i was there takin soil off the roots and everything trying to get all the MG off it and i repotted it and its moving and growing so quick i thought doing what i did would hurt it some or stress it but it doesnt seem like it thats a strong puppy ow ya and i pinched on top of everything
and its still up like a champ :0)
im so proud my baby is growing up,so strong.hercules,hercules,hercules :0)


Well-Known Member
hey norm if ya look at what i had before this is a crazy improvment
and they seem to be doing alot better now too
look at the begining of the jurn and look how it was before ull see
plus i have 2 more cfl's i could put up just need another hanging lamp and another socket spliter then ill have 7 lights up at once.


Well-Known Member
Clowdy - looking good man, ill be here for the grow, just a few tips - START AGIAN!! u got sum good lights now and good soils and stuff, keep the clone, see how it does bt the other too plants hav stretched way too much, they'll never be able to support anything and will probably turn out male in my opinion. wait for new seedlings and kepp em all under equal lite together and keep the CFL's nice and close to them and they'll grow short, bushy and fat in no time. best of luck to you man!


Well-Known Member
oh yeah P.S - to lowryder - you coulda just pm'd the guy instead of blurting all of that out on a thread? be smart man! no one woulda noticed till u said sumthing.


Well-Known Member
heres some pics of the plants and clone today
the smaller plant has nice new growth with the leafs but bottom leafs look yellowish so i gave all the plants some food just in case cuase i didnt give them any in that new soil
the 12incher the piched part is looking up almost all the way and the new leafs are growing nice.
the clone is moving toward the light already but the bottom leafs as in the pic are turning weird any guesses?
still waiting for sprouts to come up
and the last seed greming cracked but waiting for a root to come ot a little.
thanks for helping me out.very greatfull.
im always checking up on my threads so write when ever ya want im always on.



Well-Known Member
hey manik i was thinking of making the big one a clone to and just train it for a scrog or sog u think i should or just keep doing what im doing
i was also thinking of just flowering the 12 incher just to see what happens
what u think?


Well-Known Member
yeah...flower it dude, if u want bt then u gotta have it in complete darkness for when its in night time, any lite will fuck up its cycle and confuse it.


Well-Known Member
i know i wouldnt get much from it but i really dont care
and ya i have to think where to put it for the 12h off time
cuase the closet when the lights r off its completely black but im going to need the lights on for the other plants so im thinking maybe my dressertry to take the bottoms off 1 or 2 of them and shut the drur.that might work
and if i do the flowering should i feed it more or less?cuase i just put asmall amout not even half 1/4 tbs per gal and i put some in all the plants today.
so what do u think?