Help Me Please!! - Lots Of Pics


Active Member
Plants are about 6 weeks old. 400 watt MH 18" above plant tops. Temps stay between 75-80 and Rh is 46%. Flora Nova nutes 600 ppm. PH is about 5.5-6.0. I've been hand watering them in 1.5" rockwool cubes, twice a day. I know they should have been transplanted weeks ago, do you think this is why the roots are brown?also the leaves are spotting, I don't know if I need more nutes or what. Need your guys help please, don't want to kill all 18 of my plants my first grow. Oh yeah the strain is NL and b-52.


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Well-Known Member
read the stickey on top of the pape about plant problems it might be able to help


Well-Known Member
I've not used rockwool, but watering 2X a day seems extreme..and I would re-pot..then if it is a water problem, that may help... also if a soil grow the ph is better at 6.2 - 6.8....IMO.. .luck..


Well-Known Member
Plants are about 6 weeks old. 400 watt MH 18" above plant tops. Temps stay between 75-80 and Rh is 46%. Flora Nova nutes 600 ppm. PH is about 5.5-6.0. I've been hand watering them in 1.5" rockwool cubes, twice a day. I know they should have been transplanted weeks ago, do you think this is why the roots are brown?also the leaves are spotting, I don't know if I need more nutes or what. Need your guys help please, don't want to kill all 18 of my plants my first grow. Oh yeah the strain is NL and b-52.
You need to change things if you dont want them to go wrong. for 6 weeks, thats pathetic. They should be huge, hydro grows faster in soil. my 6 in clone will be a 18in bush in 6 weeks. Your roots are brown becasue its root rot. Your ph is off so thats causing your plants to burn and to have spots. You could be going wrong several different ways. I dont know where untill you list way more information such as ph levels of waterings, runoff's, nute mix.


Active Member
Well I'm pretty sure the problem is from not transplanting. I just got them in to their new homes and hopefully it's not to late. My nearest hydro shop is 2.5 hours away so that's been the delay. My PH is right on for hydro isn't it 5.8? And the nutes are 600 ppm. I'm growing in hydro not soil so I'm not sure what you mean by runoff. I've added pics of the transplant. I just hope the roots will take into the hydroton.


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