Help me please!!!!! Whats is going on????

100_1401.jpg100_1402.jpgi dont no what is going on can some one help me please i think it is some kind of rot but i found some ants and other bugs but i just dont know please help here r some pics:!::-(


Active Member
id say to much moisture around your stem.. possibly stem rot.. when you water do you water the stem??? or is there water sitting around the stem?
when i water yes the water does set around the stem . how can i stop this ??? i dont want to lose my plant it 7+ footer.!!! is there somthing that i can use?? please help


Well-Known Member
That looks horrible! Keep that stem dry from now on.
It looks like you are going to have to clean that wound up too.
Not sure how to approach that though, as I have never had to treat wounds other than splits and scrapes.
Usually, if kept dry with plenty of airflow, wounds heal pretty well.


Well-Known Member
I think I'd treat it like I would a person. I'd lance it clean it out and then keep it as dry as I could in order to keep the rot out. Maybe even break out some sealer. I'd also put an ant trap/poison thing out to keep ants from keeping it from healing.


Well-Known Member
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but better you here it now

That plant has root rot, pretty bad too! I don't think she's gonna make it.

Good luck bro, I've never had one come back from it that bad.



Well-Known Member
I usually water every day, since I have a raised screen "tube" lined with weed cloth and packed with rich soil that my babies are planted in (has dried out quickly all summer). This has kept my growth at a maximum (10-12 ft plant in Northeast), but as the season dwindles and the cold starts creep in at night (61F last night!) I think that I should now let the roots dry out before the next watering, in order to prevent root rot.

That is one scary picture, bro. It haunted me in my dreams last night. Good luck keeping her clean and dry.