help me please


Active Member
easy everyone, this is my first grow,, one plant, she is bout 3 weeks old i have just started using a 125 watt envirolite light with reflector, currently i have little ventilation/cooling, am just using regular compost from a hardware store and am not using any nutes as of yet.
most of the above issues will be addressed, but due to work i have not had time to get to the garden center. i hope to have my baby's home fixed up to scratch by the weekend.

now the problems i have encountered look like leaf burn, i have been spraying regularly though with just water.

could this be due to the heat in my room, or perhaps due to the ph level of the water have been spraying her with?

i intend on adding some penetrator and feminser pretty soon, i have very little room so intend on topping my baby soon, how early is this advisable?

thank you so much in advance for any replies, please check the pics and see if you have any ideas.



Well-Known Member
Im new to this also but atleast i can say it isnt your light thats caused the problem. I have the same setup as you, there nice cheap n easy and they aint never gonna burn your plants. Were you spraying often with water before it happened? I heard people say not to spray a plant while the lights are on, maybe that could cause burning. Do you not know what your ph is?


Active Member
ye man, i didnt think it would be the light, but i have been spraying while the light's been on, im gunna do a ph test this evening. see how we get on.

peace man and all the best with yours.


Active Member
checked the ph, all is fine, this is such a blag any other ideas anyone?
ventilation fixed, temperature is fine...
just going to play the waiting game, hopefully she'll get better, gunna find a nice nute solution to start working with this weekend.

advice please!



Well-Known Member
Well if you spray her with lights on then its probably that, thats burning your leafs, think of a magnifying glass, it does the same effect

All light gets drawn to 1 hot spot and starts burning...


Well-Known Member
i would have to agree with the post above me. think about how burnt us white people get at the beach because of the water. i'm not sure that there is a specific time to top your plant, but i do it usually after 4/5 nodes. not sure if that is the correct time i keep my cfl's close so my plants are pretty bushy and short. i am probably topping this one in 2 days, that would be for days after this picture.