help me please


Well-Known Member
Any advice? my plants are aproxematly 3 wks old. I have 2 T5 lights and mutiple cfl's around them. I water then once a day. The leavs are yellowing at the tips and starting to droop. What am i doing wrong? andy advice will be greatly appriciated. Thank you.
joe dirt

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Well, it sounds like over watering.You shouldn't water until the top of your soil is dry to about a half inch or more in.You test this by sticking the tip of your finger in the soil to about the first knuckle.I found with my plants it was about every three days.Are you giving them nutes?If you are, make sure you start out at one quarter strength and only do it every second or third watering.
Any advice? my plants are aproxematly 3 wks old. I have 2 T5 lights and mutiple cfl's around them. I water then once a day. The leavs are yellowing at the tips and starting to droop. What am i doing wrong? andy advice will be greatly appriciated. Thank you.
joe dirt


Active Member
no if you over watered them they would be droopy, if they're not droopy just yellowing im willing to bet its time to start giving them nutes 3-4 weeks old is when they start needing them to develop secondary leaves so find a good 20-20-20 formula and feed them as directed. even though i would never recomend miracle gro soil there all purpose Nursery Select formula is a good 20-20-20 to use.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
He's watering them daily.That's too much.When the soil dries out, you water them until some water comes out the bottom of the pot, then you wait till it's dry again.I've heard of a technique called sip watering during flower from one of the guys on here, but joe isn't in flower.
no if you over watered them they would be droopy, if they're not droopy just yellowing im willing to bet its time to start giving them nutes 3-4 weeks old is when they start needing them to develop secondary leaves so find a good 20-20-20 formula and feed them as directed. even though i would never recomend miracle gro soil there all purpose Nursery Select formula is a good 20-20-20 to use.