help me please

hello people,,i have just cropped my 1st 2 plants but they had no potecy at all,smoked 5 joints with no effect:-( they looked lovely all the way through with bags n bags of tlc....why oh why did they turn out like this:wall: all advice wud be gladly to hear from you lovely people :clap::clap::clap:
thanks for the qik replies,,she was 9 weeks in flower,,i have another plant from a different strain ( i got told shes cheese)shes 6 weeks in flower with some nice buds and but now i'm worried sick incase she turns out like the last 1s
used a 300w duel spec cfl in a grow tent,used canna a and b superthrive and accelerator boost,,the plants very lovely all the way through,my pride and joy,gave them loads of tlc,even talked to them,but the smoke turned out total poo,,didnt know her strain as i got from a cutting,,hopefully the 1s from seed will be a better smoke


Well-Known Member
How were the temps? ,maybe get a hps next grow for flowering and seeds that you know are good.


Well-Known Member
Wait and see how the second one turns out. Did you keep any cuttings off eather of them?
didnt i didnt take any cuttings,just clueless why no potency,got a couple of auto's in flower now,,northern light and supeer dwarf,i just hope these babies are a decent smoke