help me please


Active Member
ok so my plant is about 3-4 months old(outdoor,all organic)
i started her in sand actually...fuck florida no dirt at all really but
shes been veggin for i say at least a couple weeks to a month
the leaf stems and a little bit of the main stalk is starting to turn purple but i read that that isnt a big problem the one thing im concerned about is the discoloration of the leaves,the middle of the leaves are turning a real dark green but the edges are the normal this bad


Well-Known Member
if your plant is 3 to 4 months old, it sounds like it should have been vegging for a lot longer than that, ;)

it doesn't sound like zinc deficiency from what you typed, but it could be nitrogen deficiancy, mized with some over watering, and MAYBE even a nute burn (unlikely).

again, post some pics already :blsmoke:



Active Member
probably haha this is the first grow that actually came through
but i heard that the purple may be because of the nitrogen
but i dont use nothin but water...ohhhh wait i was using well water for the first 3 months and now its only gettin rain water,so it might have been gettin the nutes from the water and that might be the problem



Well-Known Member
nah just my opinion but they seem perfectly normal to me.they do seem a bit streched though.
the well water should not have been giving you any trouble


Well-Known Member
*clears throat*

A. check the pH of the dirt and the water you are feeding it, could VERY likely be to high of pH in your water.

B. get some nutes already. 5 bucks, home depot or lowes, Schultz brand is the shizzle on a low budget.

C. looks like early stages of N deficiency, mixed with Z deficiency

D. nutes should solve all your problems :mrgreen:

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Well-Known Member
yes nutes... but it is also definitely getting too much water. You should transplant soon... like before the flowering cycles start. and make sure its properly drained. Are they getting enough light?


Well-Known Member
yes nutes... but it is also definitely getting too much water. You should transplant soon... like before the flowering cycles start. and make sure its properly drained. Are they getting enough light?
why the transplant?? I've always kept my plants in the same dirt from vegg to flower, just curious as to why you said that.

and your purps are nucking futts man, kudos



Well-Known Member
When growing outdoors it always helps to let the root systems spread well out laterally... I know it for a fact increases yields, and the more root mass the better she will preform during flowering.... it also allows for the existing soil to be broken and aerated allowing the roots to grow more freely and absorb nutes more efficiently. Thanks on that... and according to my sources the purps in those pics came from the momma plant of the clone that I have!!!! Crazy huh? well we shall see...


Well-Known Member
*clears throat*

A. check the pH of the dirt and the water you are feeding it, could VERY likely be to high of pH in your water.

B. get some nutes already. 5 bucks, home depot or lowes, Schultz brand is the shizzle on a low budget.

C. looks like early stages of N deficiency, mixed with Z deficiency

D. nutes should solve all your problems :mrgreen:

why do you clear your throat??????????????????????????


Well-Known Member
the comment before my comment, the one you quoted, was a bit off :?

i did say it was my opinion,:confused:

but apart from that they are doing nothing that i havnt seen in my plants,and they turn out fine.
and i dont adjust my ph or the nute levels.


Well-Known Member
hey hey hey, i meant nothing by it guys. my apologies if i stepped on a toe or two.

i just didn't think they were stretching, but you probably have more experience than me anyway at spotting a stretched plant.

again, it's all about peace n luv friends, i'm just a plain speaker @ heart.



Well-Known Member
stretching is probably not the right word there ,probably just not as dense foliage as i am used to seeing on a plant that size..

and no need to panic i was not upset or anything it was just as i said i cant see any real problem with them........:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
They look normal to me.
No need for worrying. Though it looks a bit small for 3-4 months.
Nice thick stem by the way.