help me plz, ive got seeds and bud!!


hi guys just come to the end of my first grow and ive bin chopping away at my main plant today to discover what looked like unopened buds, when i pressed them a seed came out! looking over the plant i found about 20+, but my plant has produced bud aswell! help is my plant a mixed sex?? should these be there, because i dont think they should?? will this effect my plant as i have took them off?? and could i use these seeds or will this equal them plants becoming mixed sex?? and last thing, how does this happen or was it my cuttins, where they already mixed sex?? thanks plz post some answers so i can learn from this. thanks guys


~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
Did you take out all the males?

Did you check Trichs with a scope and harvest in a timely manner? if you let a female go go and go she will try to reproduce on her own and make seeds.

Id keep 'em and pop 'em in the ground.


Well-Known Member
hi guys just come to the end of my first grow and ive bin chopping away at my main plant today to discover what looked like unopened buds, when i pressed them a seed came out! looking over the plant i found about 20+, but my plant has produced bud aswell! help is my plant a mixed sex?? should these be there, because i dont think they should?? will this effect my plant as i have took them off?? and could i use these seeds or will this equal them plants becoming mixed sex?? and last thing, how does this happen or was it my cuttins, where they already mixed sex?? thanks plz post some answers so i can learn from this. thanks guys
It is possible that this plant is a hermie. You would need to have male and female flowers for this to be the case. If you have seeds it means that your female flowers got pollinated some how. It's not the end of the world. The bud may not be as potent as it would have been if this had not happened but if it's only a few seeds then the drop in potency is probably negligible. If the plant is a hermie then it won't be as potent as a pure female, but hermies are not completely useless. They can still be smoked. There are too many things that can cause hermies for me to name here. Light leaks, and interruptions in the dark cycle during flowering are a couple. So start checking for light leaks I guess. Plants can also be born hermie and there is nothing that can be done about that except don't clone it. Best of luck my friend and welcome to RIU.


Active Member
Are you growing indoors or outdoors? If outdoors someone in the area has a male that has polinated your female. If indoors I dont know much about hemies so wont comment. sorry.


Well-Known Member
probably 'she' was a hermie, maybe a couple of balls popped up, hidden away from easy seeing, and did the dirty deed
or pollen got into your grow area from outside somehow, lot of plants growing out in the wide world these days


Well-Known Member
Seeds from a Hermaphrodite are usualy all feminised, people do this sometimes to a couple of plants to make fem only seeds. keep hold of them .


Well-Known Member
Seeds from a Hermaphrodite are usualy all feminised, people do this sometimes to a couple of plants to make fem only seeds. keep hold of them .
This is true but if it's a genetic hermie then it's very possible the next generation will be hermie also.


Well-Known Member
Wouldnt risk planting the seeds as has been said already it may be in the plants genes. You do get strains that are more prone to producing hermies than others. Greenhouse trainwreck for example.


Well-Known Member
Did you take out all the males?

Did you check Trichs with a scope and harvest in a timely manner? if you let a female go go and go she will try to reproduce on her own and make seeds.

Id keep 'em and pop 'em in the ground.
would the seeds she produces be female or hermie seeds?


Well-Known Member
Cant answer that question. Its all down to probability. Anyone that does give a definitive answer is guessing.


Well-Known Member
would the seeds she produces be female or hermie seeds?
probably hermie, much depends on how the hermie trait was 'expressed'
you didn't mention any stresses during your grow, such as light leaks, plant illness, etc.
so if the hermie trait showed up with little stress, it's likely to show up in descendants, but as previous poster mentioned, it's a probability


thaks guys for all the answers and to let you know i'm growing indoors in a tent so light leakage is not really an issue.. as for checking the trich's im not that deep into the game yet just started of with 4 pants a wilma system and a 400W light. so another question if i over run the course that can make em produce seeds?? i think that is what i may have done only noticed the little buds or should i say balls 2 weeks ago, i thought they were uopened bud so i let it run a little over!! i brought theses as cuttins so they have had no contact with males at mine.


Well-Known Member
See i had never thought of that one before. Whether or not bugs would or would not stress a plant that much. I suppose a very bad infestation left long enough may do it.


right guys need a little more help! took down second plant no seeds thanks good!!! but my bud doesnt smell very strong in fact hardly at all! does this mean it'll be a weak smoke???


Well-Known Member
i just cut a nl#5 a few weeks ago, smell so low you'd hardly know it was weed(unless rubbed)
stuff is so potent that smoking a 1/10 of a gram is as much as i want, odor is not a great predictor, but again depends on strain, some strains should have a strong odor