HELP ME SAVE MY FIRST CROP. this girl needs to learn to GROW

we will...........she needs help and is getting it.

and thank you! so i got some new pics! they have perked up SO MUCH since they wilted tht one day. i even transplanted them to buckets tht are like 2 liter. and iknow i will have to again. but until then. i have noticed some of the leaves seem kinda crunchy and they are curling up and getting kinda brown n yellow around edges? also some of em have some white dots on the tops of the leaves. is tht normal? here are some pics. what would you guys say i need to do now? i lifted the light up a bit. and i dont feel anyheat right above them. so what do u think the problem is??IMAG0019.jpgIMAG0020.jpgIMAG0021.jpgIMAG0022.jpgIMAG0023.jpgIMAG0024.jpgIMAG0025.jpgIMAG0026.jpgIMAG0027.jpgIMAG0028.jpg


Active Member
hey u need new pots an dont water so much there soaked u have mag def add one teaspoon of epoms salt to a gal of water an water with that in like a week
no i just put them in new pots they were in the small ass ones for like a week and a half. now they are in these 1.5 liter buckets until they get a lil bigger and i put em in 3 gallon pots. but as for everything else. i just wanna know why they are crunchy and like curling up...ill do the epsom salt thing cause i wanna fix the stems but other than tht WHAT IS WRONG WITH THEM?


Well-Known Member
no i just put them in new pots they were in the small ass ones for like a week and a half. now they are in these 1.5 liter buckets until they get a lil bigger and i put em in 3 gallon pots. but as for everything else. i just wanna know why they are crunchy and like curling up...ill do the epsom salt thing cause i wanna fix the stems but other than tht WHAT IS WRONG WITH THEM?
it looks like phosphorus problem, that is causing mag def. maybe from over fertilization. the leaves look like they are presenting the claw effect on the leaves and tips / edges are burned. dont overwater the


Active Member
you might want to lower those lights a bunch, in your 5th picture they appear to be too high above the plants, this will make them stretch for the light, lenthening the distance between nodes. Put the lights as close to the tops of the plants as you can get them without burning them. Test to see how far with your hand, if the light burns your hand, the distance is too close, if you can't feel the heat, move hand closer until it gets too warm to keep there, then back off a bit and that is how close your lights should be to the plants. With flourescent lights, you will probably get them within 6 inches of the plants without too much heat.
See, Your already learnin girl. Listen to these guys. We have ALL been through this learning period, just like you. You'll be alright. watch a lot of youtube. Got a lot of good stuff there but there are some Really dumbasses to so be picky what you believe and get more than one opinion. Right now your on the right track. ONE thing I'll add and that is, when you transplant go to the biggest bucket you can get BECAUSE each time you have to replant your stressing the plant a little and slowing the growth (it takes a little time for the roots to reestablish in the soil) so you want to replant as few times as you can manage. Otherwise Keep On Truckin.
he has mites and nats and now i have mites and nats -.-, should i get lady bugs? triedd rubbing alcoholand water on leaves but didnt seem to work idk what else to do im so scared do u think i could bug bomb my house and be good? i have 2 indoor froggers i was gonna use cause i was afraid of bugs anyways..or will thse harm the plants? if not should i go for it?
I FOUND OUT I HAVE MITES. DAMN. well i wanna frogger my house because i hate bugs in general. if i keep my closet closed will it affect my plants?? also i wanna do this because i used sns 217 mite controle spray. 2x so far. and im gonna do it again in a another day or so. first ill wash the leaves with cold water and a spong then ill spray tht stuff jus scared tht they r gonna die or i wont be able to get rid of em :/ im on my like 4th week into vegetation... or maybe more like 2 and a half weeks. first 2 weeks i had em they were still seeming like clones. but anyways im gonna get some more pics they shot up . and i have inserted bamboo sticks. i just wanna be certain they are ok and wanna do my best to help them please i would love any feedback. i am trying here.