Help me save this big beautiful plant, low humidity??

LED tent grow, Angel dust autoflower, fox farm ocean forest, super soil mix in bottom of pots, feeding with compost tea and use real growers recharge every other water

I left the lights off a bit too long last night, noticed the humidity is 28%? Temp is back to 78-83 (under LED) the leaves are curling up and getting dry at the ends?? Any ideas? Also the other two plants seem fine



Yes low humidity! You must raise it to 40% then in your last 3 days or so bf harvest bring it to 30%...that'll stress the shit outta it and produce more trichomes = THC!


Well-Known Member
Mmmmm.. i would compost or recharge once a week. What light? Distance? Intensity? What about watering? How often? To me, your leaves look like light stress or waterings issues. Your humidity is low but plants this far along should be able to tolerate it. I think what your leaves are showing you is not necessarily from humidity issues.
I amended that soil because it was recycled. I used alfalfa meal, kelp meal, earth worm castings, and some oyster shell for calcium. I used less than a quarter cup per 5 gallons of soil each. Maybe I accidentally added more to this one, because the other two in the exact same blend are doing fine? Do you think flushing would matter being that I'm using organic and dry amendments??


Well-Known Member
Where I live my RH can vary from 10-30 seasons and 60-80 when its raining season, Ive grown successfully in both. I don't think your plant looks like that because of the humidity alone, maybe your light is too intense. You say its only 1 out of the 3 plants that look like that... hmm.


Well-Known Member
I amended that soil because it was recycled. I used alfalfa meal, kelp meal, earth worm castings, and some oyster shell for calcium. I used less than a quarter cup per 5 gallons of soil each. Maybe I accidentally added more to this one, because the other two in the exact same blend are doing fine? Do you think flushing would matter being that I'm using organic and dry amendments??
No, don't flush, I mean if you have a good medium going on, and this plant just turned like this from night to day, it must be something else. Plus if you have a decent CEC, the nutrients are well attached to your soil, and flushing the pot won't flush out the nutrients.


Well-Known Member
I amended that soil because it was recycled. I used alfalfa meal, kelp meal, earth worm castings, and some oyster shell for calcium. I used less than a quarter cup per 5 gallons of soil each. Maybe I accidentally added more to this one, because the other two in the exact same blend are doing fine? Do you think flushing would matter being that I'm using organic and dry amendments??
Didn't realize you were using OSF. Didn't see that in your other thread. How much did you add? Because too much of that can burn them too. It's kinda salty.


Well-Known Member
A few things jump out at me ….

1. It’s an Autoflower - it doesn’t need complicated / mish mash of nute dense soil AND super soil plus amendments ….
( FFOF could have carried it just fine alone with minor “ recharging “ ( not meaning recharge ) but a simple tea or top dress. )
Most autos will run average 90 days ( + or - ) so a simple bagged soil would work.

2. If you start hammering it with more and more unnecessary shit … prepare to stress it.
FFOF needs only EWC and a healthy bump of perlite. It’s very nute dense and will feed alone upfront for about 4-5 weeks
( depending on strain ) . It is considered a hot soil already. In fact , it could have been the SUPER SOIL base mix with a mild
potting mix on top fill. Now , it sounds like it’s got the kitchen sink.

3. Led temps are good over 80° in most cases. Too low of RH will make her transpire / dehydrate / stomata close.
Growth can crawl. 40% RH or so for flower.


Well-Known Member
A few things jump out at me ….

1. It’s an Autoflower - it doesn’t need complicated / mish mash of nute dense soil AND super soil plus amendments ….
( FFOF could have carried it just fine alone with minor “ recharging “ ( not meaning recharge ) but a simple tea or top dress. )
Most autos will run average 90 days ( + or - ) so a simple bagged soil would work.

2. If you start hammering it with more and more unnecessary shit … prepare to stress it.
FFOF needs only EWC and a healthy bump of perlite. It’s very nute dense and will feed alone upfront for about 4-5 weeks
( depending on strain ) . It is considered a hot soil already. In fact , it could have been the SUPER SOIL base mix with a mild
potting mix on top fill. Now , it sounds like it’s got the kitchen sink.

3. Led temps are good over 80° in most cases. Too low of RH will make her transpire / dehydrate / stomata close.
Growth can crawl. 40% RH or so for flower.