Well-Known Member
Wouldnt the molasses i got and the epsom salt take care of it? i mean im not trying to deny ur advise,btw thank you, just curious of what is wrong
I wouldn't worry about burning them, highly doubtful and mg uses cheap ass ingredients among a list of other bad shit..
lol ok im really confused i tought i had a cal and mag def. how can new soil fix my problem?
I didn't read the whole thread, but fresh compost will have nutrients, including Ca and Mg.
And a lot of drama in the end, those plants look way out of whack!!! Even if you could stabalise whatever problems are wrong with the plant i feel like they have suffered a lot! You are either overdoing things and or underdoing things. That could be anything wrong with those plants. I know you can't afford it but an ec/ph tester could be your best friend here, too many nutes or way too little, cal/mag, over/under watering, heat etc etc take your pick! Best advice would be to get them in some decent soil, not too hot, with a little cal/mag. Read up on how and what to fertilize, research your water supply and ec anything you add to the plant. I fear you have over-loved the plants and been too cheap to stump up for some decent nutes and grow equipment. Not to be offensive but i feel that at every chance you have misstreated these plants. Can take a while to get a balance of things and it is way off here. I don't see whay you went out of your way to get molasses when what you really needed was a decent fert with the right NPK, micro and macro elements and additional cal/mag depending on your water supply! No point saying your skint, soil, ferts and cal/mag are like really cheap no matter where you are, even off the internet with postage and packaging these basic items shouldn't be beyond your reach.
You are trying to make growing weed too complicated and the results are showing, how do i say that you are way off what a beginner should be doing, a nice and simple grow would see you throught to harvest but instead you complicate everything. Seriously why dose it have to be any more complicated that sprout the seed, put in soil, give water/ferts when needed and the ocassional dose of cal/mag!!!
Cheers for the help ages ago with my seedling and flowering thread max316420, turns out it was a cal/mag problem. I thought it was the soil but turns out the water company here have made the water even softer this year and really low on cal/mag. I have applied it to all my waterings and pots and are starting to see results. I hope i haven't added too much calcium but i should be ok. Didn't realise the importance of water EC and cal/mag but have rectified the problem. Thanks once again, i now realise the signs for cal/mag deficiency straight away now and was a real eyeopener. Sparkafire rip!!!!!!!!!
but something from me makes them envy me. Well i only came back beacuse u posted and im ignoring these fools still.
You have a strong interest. You have a little experience and you have what everybody reading this wants....their lost youth.
You are not here to pamper and patronize. If ppl don't like what you have to say they can leave. But they don't. Why is this?
Perhaps it makes them feel a little bit condescending. They read, criticize and wait for you to lose your patience. And you play right into it. And it makes them feel a little better about their own boring, pathetic
It's your dream dude...don't offend anyone but don't ask for permission to be yourself. You need more info outside of RIU rants and distractions. Ed Rosenthal has a great book out now. Pm me. I'll get you a copy. Peaceout little buddy