Help Me Solve This Problem (First Grow)

Well they look the same really. im going to feed her next grow 1/4 of all purpose so she can grow taller =)

Are you sure they need ferts? You can't just feed ferts and expect growth, the plant must need ferts first, feed a plant that dosen't need ferts ferts and it will die for sure. Post pics and lets do this by the numbers please.

Um i backroll with the roach in, speed is not what i go for, after 20 years of rolling i don't think that you will be better than me but hey its not a competition. A well rolled spliff is one thing, one that smokes well is another.
well i think i can roll better blunts then u^. well i think they need ferts cuz i never fed em before, second will u let a child starve to death before feedin eat.
No but i would check that the child needed food before i gave it to em! Why is your plant hungry or are you just guessing?

I can also roll a joint with 30 cigarettes in it and cone it nice, you should see sometime, stuff it full of my own grade a bud too. We europeans are different joint rollers than you americans, there is no comparison! When you backroll you only use about half the rizzla, the other half just hangs down the whole length of the joint, you light the bottom and it burns up to the top of the joint where it lights the joint. Seriously i was rolling before you were born!loL!
Lol okk i will admit that europeans do roll better joints then ameriicans. Well okay tell me what is a sign that a plant needs to be fed?
Heya sparky, i can't be bothered arguing with pK or anyone, lets just teach this kid to grow some pot and be done with it. Moderators don't want to know and i don't wana fall out with anyone and if i just ignore his stupid coments i think we can get to the end of this thread. I know what people say bout him and similar douches but i got to accept that its not gona change. Thought Fdd would be more reasonable but maybe he got his reasons, either way i'm finished and moved on from that.

Think there should be some better standards but i'm not in a position to judge, i have to accept that either i post nicely on this thread or not at all. At the end of the day i like posting here as we all do. It seems to be an old issue and has made Peacefullkid a household name round here. I give up on the whole thing, people know my veiws so thats good enough.

Pk this is not an attack on you so don't give me no comeback! Just stick to growing weed and occasionally rolling joints!
Post pics as we need to see and judge the signs, how can i say yellowing bottom leaves when lots of other things cause yellowing bottom leaves! Post pics.

Look what Fdd turned me into!