Last post on this thread. I will be watching to see how long it takes Fdd to get pissed off because of the kids inability to learn or comprehend what he is telling him. Can you not already see it he does not LISTEN!! Fdd I am telling you this kid is a lost cause for many people before you have tried to help him but I guess maybe if you treat him like a grandchild and literally grow his weed for him and have infinite patience you might not get frustrated with him but I am betting no. Just wait when you get further along with him oh the humaity!! I can hear the questions now. Hey fdd how much longer do I have to harvest? Hey Fdd how do I harvest? Hey Fdd how do I dry? Hey Fdd Hey Fdd Hey Fdd Hey Fdd Hey Fdd. I am glad you took this kid under your wing and I am betting you will regret it.
I am officially out unless I see Fdd get pissed with the kid and have to chime in with I told you so.