Help me start my perpetual garden

I had my first success with root riot after many attempts with jiffy and water cups. It was a great feeling. But here I am again, just pulled a cutting out after two weeks and see no signs of rooting.

Before the rh was a little higher, like 45-55 but now its 35-45rh as have plants in flower in same room. But the temps are higher this time, 70-76F mostly.

So the low RH dried out a couple cubes over night so I rised the rh on dehuey a little. Spraying them when they give minimal water when squeezing so its just loaded enough but not dripping or puddling.

Last time I made 2 clones effortlessly but thinking of getting clone king as not being able to see progress is bothersome. So is not having progress when everything else is right, is it strain related? I have two strains but limited so not trying to damage any more.

So 15 days no roots, somethings wrong.


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Ok so I pulled one out that I had two of same strain but dont care much for them, it has one root that shot out. But I really, really want at least one clone of the other strain I have in there, 5 cuttings. So strain related rooting issues?

Ugh I am anxious. I really need to get my game on amd learn cloning 100percent success rates. I am going to take a flowered cutting just to up my chances but will have to reveg her.

Thing is, I wont know if this is a keeper till I know it makes rosin but in the very first stages of flower and has sugar on leafs already indicating a froster.

So is it unusual to take three weeks to clone in root riot? What might be slowing me down?
Geeked, geeked, geeked!! Well, I don’t know if I should be just yet, need to know it yields rosin but feels like I mothered my first plant.

It is kongs krush, and the pheno I got in this bean is good, meaning, if I am correct, it grows beautifully but not the cut that you see on the vendor photo, you have to hunt further for that but it grows good, not wonky.

Filled up 2.5x2.5 canopy real easy but I cannot say much until I harvest it and press it, I don’t even know how it grows just yet. Spear or knuckle up? Idk.

But I think this will be a mother and will take a crap ton cuttings and upgrade my method and/or get a clone king. This took longer than usual for most people so I was getting worried but smiled ear to ear to see one popped.


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The original bean. I like it because its a space filler, could see myself flipping small clones and fill each side with 4 and still get a full canopy from half gal - 1 gal pots. Short veg times but want to air layer to work around plant count and help with having them ready to flip soon as their needed.

Excited, some normality coming my way. Predictability etc.


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My opinion has shifted on the watermelon ultra, it out grew its wonkiness, should have a rooted mother soon and is known to make hash. The photos online look so too. So I might already have a keeper or two.

When do purple phenos show when you have one? General question I couldnt answer in a quick search. Does it start out at seedling or what phase?

Never had a purple fan leaf plant or purple in general. Kongs krush is supposed to be but appears I got a straight green one this pop. I ask because I am about to work with a hand full of purple plants soon.


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Ugh, you ever just sit there with a root popped out but no branching or other roots popping out after 3 weeks? It showed root like a week ago or more. What donI do? Just leave it be? I transplant when I see it is branching and taking off asking to be transplanted.

The kongs krush is ready to plant but the watermelon ultra suddenly froze in growth that I can see but thats only looking from outside the plug. Suspense is killing me, I want both strains pretty bad.

Edit It is the one I split root plug open in half down the middle to see a tiny root so I gently closed it and wire tied it shut. Could this be making some areas too tight and too loose? The root popped out but just isnt branching.

I am over 3 weeks with rest of cuttings I dont think theyl make it. I was surprised once already but that was two weeks in which is normal.
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Caved in and bought a clone king. Going to take more cuttings and reveg them and see if I can gently spit the remaining ones open and if no roots, transfer to clone king. Was going to need to upgrade method at some point so just got the cloner early. Start getting the run down on that.

cuttings are gonna rot any day now anyway. Not sure what gave me a 1 out of 7. Possibly two but that other rooted one isnt showing progress. Planting the one right now, at least I have that. Pretty sure its a strain I want to keep, going to be oozing with sauce which is what makes the rosin. Trichomes that burst oil when broken. Indicas.

I would be amazingly lucky if I do have my preferred keeper already.
Off it goes! Just need that watermelon to catch up.

Edit: hahaa I was just thinking, I checked this morning so no way any progress would emerge but it did, the one root watermelon I really hope to succeed in popped another root, just barely. I know I did not miss it this morning.

But these white bugs… What are they? Anyone ever get a bag of plugs that have these white mites? I worry they are feeding on the cuttings but its about to be a thing of Za past with this clone king haha. Geeked.


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Could you plant a cutting with just a couple roots showing if I keep bag over it for safe measure for a little longer in final pot?

For example, people tend to wait till they have a small beard and in this case, my kongs krush was planted on the early side but I did that before with a small set of roots just fine but this other one only has two, one of which just pinched off, air prune.

The plugs are small so I just worry it is struggling due to that, being forced to branch heavily which normally happens quick but I am like almost a month into this as of friday.

So I wondered if I planted now, it could grow a tap root like root to really get going faster and then remove bag when I see roots at bottom of new pot or other signs.
Sorry, if yall know me from before, cloning gets me worked up. Just need to have patience. Will wait a few more days and it will probably look like the other cutting which should be fine transplanting.

I just read a little that I could find right away which said to wait it out. I just dont find much in a search about taking a month to root in root riot. I really care about saving the genetics so its adding to the anxiousness. Last time I could give two about the strain and let it root extra long.

I already poked holes in bag so it can start hardening off, so less change of dampining off. I lost a cutting my first attempts at this phase so I know I am not in the clear yet.

Edit added pics of mothers. Watermelon about to release first smells and buds. The kongs krush is awesome. I would be damned if I already have what I need to perpetuate for my needs. The KK seems like a rosin maker, the trichomes are super oily and sticky, abundant.


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How long could I end up waiting for seeds.. Got from attitude but tracking shows delayed by 3 weeks now and said weather related and just having trouble getting it to me so attitude would send new ones until the post says they lost it or something?

Hopefully I have a keeper or two to get going but it was a decent order so would like to get it. Also because many of them could possibly replace what seems like my favorite now by a long shot. I searched hard through the site. The UK one. Package stuck in same spot for 3 weeks and ordered almost a month ago.

Anyways, any feedback let me know, getting tired of tracking it and not knowing what to expect next. It was guarenteed shipping. They say wait 21 business days before asking but what if it just stays stuck in the post system? Ugh. I think this happened before but not this long. Pretty sure its past customs.

Also an update, the cutting grew more roots over night and my clone king is getting setup today.
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I plant my clones pretty much as soon as they have some roots popping out. I don't see any point in waiting. Once it has roots it willbe trying to use them to feed the plant. Anything that limits that like the roots air pruning themselves is limiting growth at that point. But if the roots and continue to grow out into medium they will keep benefiting the plant.
I plant my clones pretty much as soon as they have some roots popping out. I don't see any point in waiting. Once it has roots it willbe trying to use them to feed the plant. Anything that limits that like the roots air pruning themselves is limiting growth at that point. But if the roots and continue to grow out into medium they will keep benefiting the plant.

I transplanted it with god speed. I was just thinking bearding them up gives it a good system vs just a few roots.

Also thought it takes a moment before they can use their roots which is part of why they wilt when opening dome but am past that now.
Got my clone king setting up. About to split open remaining pucks to see how they are, if no roots, putting in clone king. Photos vs autos I am losing arguements of what autos are good for lol if you hunt and mother plants and run clones, they out compete especially with veg time.

I do autos for my rinky dink space cabinet for fun but thats about it. To elaborate I used to be a fan of fem auto beans only and now going the other route and sucks that autos cant do the same things.
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Clone station upgraded. Joined the aero method. Clone King. Got a 50w space heater seeing if I can put it on a probe to keep it at temp or maybe can go without the heater but it gets cold where its at.

Edit added pic of cuttings, they are super close to dead, will see if they make it. only one or two had what seemed like a ball forming for roots but could just be dying tissue.

What a freak coincidence I got one of each strain to root, was meant to be! lol. I already like it a lot, you can set it and forget it where as the plugs were either too wet or dry which dry can kill it off like it just did a little.

Its in flower room so its dry rh. So keep waking up to them dry. But now its in basement, letting hygro meter read temps. So far it seems like optimal. Dry winter this year so basement is 35rh too. I would agree its the king of cloning if it made 3 plus week old cuttings root, I would be so shocked and geeked.


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Brah. These got to be the most orange hairs I seen. Like neon orange. I seen breeders say halloween orange but this is more like that than that plant I had that said that. Much more neon like in person, camera doesnt show it all.


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How long do these early cuttings or clones need .5 EC for? Tap water is .5 EC so I use RO water with .5 EC of MaxiGro for one week then switch to .9 or 1.0 EC solution with tap water and continue. Will this mess up the cation exchange sites? Can the clone go right to 1.0 EC after one week?

In this case to save energy I would just take from my main reservoir which is 1.1 EC maxibloom. Seedlings follow it just fine but I only did this once with clones, my first ones.

They worked fine I hooked up to dtw system, set it forget it and it started showing roots on bottom and growing vigorously but revegging. Never did this with a cutting from veg phase.

I just am overly protective of these strains, want to make sure they grow so am anxious and double thinking everything. I ask because today I can feed them normal solution but timid to burn roots as they are focusing on just rooting. Its not growing like at all but look alive, I think its like that for another week.
I had the clone question answered on another thread, gonna start trying .5 ec tap and .2-.5 ec maxigro total of 1.0 ec solution for planted cuttings.

That because the RO water is weird with ph, dont feel like getting into/buying stuff to learn how to deal with it. Also not worry about messing up the buffered sites in coco.

I tossed cuttings that were like month old that I then left in aero for 8 days, no roots. Maybe a tiny ball or its decaying plant tissue. Not want to trash my new cloner. So I put some pool shock and culled cuttings and going to empty cloner/prepare for next use.

Cuttings were about to rot, half already I think were but the pool shock was working against it but was about expired.
New question though, if I plant clones in 1/2 gallon to 1 gallon, how much smaller would the buds be compared to the mother in a 3 gallon pot, vegged for 5-6 weeks?

The clones would be similar veg time due to needing 30 days to root. 2 week veg and flip to fill 8 plants in 2.5x5. 1.5 square foot per plant. Perfect symmetry.

I am new grower who only tinkered with larger pot sizes. I dont know what to expect and cannot ask this unless I had a mother and clone of it, which I do. Might not be something that can be answered but just checking.

I should see my answer relatively soon because I am highly considering doing it anyway but then again, if this strain makes me happy, I might just repeat what I just did.


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The buds arent that big, I had bigger spears with an auto so I just worry the clones will be popcorn bud like.

Does anyone ever stick their head in the tent in late flower and feel a humid sensation on their face? Bare with me, this is why I knew since last time that when plant is full of terps and the tent is packed with buds that humidity sky rockets.

Its like walking into a humid room, your skin feels it. I just think thats the damnest thing. Like my face is being blasted with resin, even irritates it a little bit. Sorry if that sounds dumb and has no basis in reality then nevermind.

Its been a while since I had a tent full of buds and this just does it everytime I open the tent. Am I feeling humidity being let off by the buds? Terpenes too?

Thats either dumb and just me or I really can feel the RH. The point where if you touched the buds your hands are chauked. My fav part of flower. I don’t touch them but couldnt help it last time.
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